Lesson Introduction: Do you know just what to say when ordering a meal in a restaurant? In today's podcast you'll learn some great English phrases that will help you to say all the right things when you order food in a restaurant.
A: Good evening. My name is Fabio. I’ll be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order?
B: No, I’m still working on it. This menu isn’t even in English. What’s good here?
A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs.
B: Does it come with coke and fries?
A: It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, sir.
B: I’ll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.
A: Excellent choice. Your order will be ready soon.
B: How soon is soon?
A: Twenty minutes?
B: You know what? I’ll just go grab a burger across the street.
grab get quickly
go with to choose, pick
would recommend suggest
complimentary free
still working on not yet completed, need more time
impatient uncomfortable waiting,wanting to go
fast food food prepared and served quickly
waitress female server at a restaurant or bar
fancy nice, expensive, upscale
casual relaxed, not dressy