Lesson Introduction: This lesson is about one of our favorite subjects...food! We're planning on going out for dinner, but we need to pick the restaurant first. In this podcast, you'll learn some vocabulary for describing food, and some great phrases for describing restaurants. Listen to this podcast, and you'll be ready to recommend your favorite restaurants in English.
A: Do you two have any plans for the evening?
B: We were thinking of checking out a restaurant in the neigbourhood. Do you have any suggestions?
A: I know this really nice Italian place. The food is fantastic, and the décor is beautiful. I’d recommend giving it a try.
C: Actually, I’m not all that crazy aboutItalian Italian food; I’m in the mood for something a bit lighter.
A: In that case, I know a great little bistro. They make a really tasty seafood platter; the fish is outstanding.
B: It sounds fantastic, but I’m allergic to seafood,so...
A: Okay, well, let me think... Oh, I know this great little place. It’s just a hole in the wall, but they
do the most amazing sandwiches. You gotta give them a try.
C: Ella, you took me there last time I visited, and I got food poisoning, remember?
check out look at something that is attractive
fantastic extremely good
décor decoration
in the mood for have a desire for something or to do something
light not heavy on stomach,easy to digest
bistro small, trendy restaurant or bar
tasty delicious, tasting good
outstanding excellent
a hole in the have allergy towards something (usually food)
wall a very small, usually cheap restaurant or bar
food poisoning becoming sick because of bacteria in food
yummy tasting good
crazy about like very much
not fond of don’t like (polite)
enjoyable tasting good
yum expression you use when you’re enjoying food or drink