The wind was blowing and the fog seemed to be getting thicker. Ahead of me, I noticed some taillights. I shut off my high beams and slowed down, so as not to startle the car in front of me. Suddenly there was a squeal and tires peeling, from somewhere behind me. I looked in my mirror and saw a car flying like a bat out of hell. It was in the left lane (I was in the right) and it flew past me. I blew my horn to warn the car in front of me, but it was too late. Tires screeched as the speeding car smashed into the car in front of me.
It was a horrifying sound. The car in front of me rammed into a tree, and the speeding car spun around it and crashed into another tree somewhere ahead.
The road was too narrow to stop on. I drove past a little ways, to a point where I could stop, and rushed back. As I ran towards the crash, I heard the sickening sound of a horn, blowing constantly. I grew worried and doubled my pace. By the time I arrived, the horn had stopped. I headed to where the cars went off the road...but nothing was there. Not a trace of them. At first I thought they'd driven off; that the crash wasn't bad. But I hadn't seen them drive by.
I looked to the road where they first went off. There were skid marks, but they were faint; as if they were years old. What's more, the guardrail that they'd crashed through was intact; it looked almost brand new.