A Sad Experience
Hi. My name is Marta. I was born on the East Coast of America, but I live in Central East Europe now. I really like living in the EU, but sometimes sadness visits me because I'm so far away from the family and friends of my childhood. One very sad experience I had while living abroad was when my adoptive grandfather died. We say "passed away", which I like better. I believe my beloved friend has passed from this life to eternity with God, and that helps when it hurts inside because I miss him. I was not able to go home for his funeral - but because of technology - I could email something I'd written to be read at his funeral. Here's how I explained our relationship: "J.T. and I were joined in heart as adopted family members. For 20 years, he was my granddad, and I was his 'sugar foot'...and he was one of the biggest contributors to my life's greatest wealth - that of being loved and loved well." So, while I was unable to physically go to his funeral, I know that no one will ever take over the space he held in my heart.