Stop cold,意思是突然停止。我烤蛋糕的時候電動攪拌機突然壞了,就可以說, it stopped cold. 再比如,孩子跳舞表演,我興致勃勃地拿著錄像機,打算全程錄下來,誰知道,the camcorder stopped cold five minutes into the program. 表演剛開始五分鐘,攝像機就不工作了。原來是沒電了。
例句-1:I've rarely thought about the possibility of getting stuck in an elevator. Yet, as I was heading up to my office on the tenth floor, the elevator stopped cold. There I was trapped with no way to get out. Finally, after about half an hour, it started moving again. Maybe it was a sign that I should take the stairs and get some exercise!
我侄子現(xiàn)在正處于青少年開始對異性產(chǎn)生朦朧意識的階段,他跟男同學在一起有說有笑,可是只要一有女孩子加入進來,他立刻就啞巴了。Girls just stop him cold.
我這個人雖然不是追星族,但如果真有個大明星突然出現(xiàn)在我眼前呢?有一次,我正在做采訪,電影明星喬治·克魯尼突然走進了演播室。我當時就暈了。His presence stopped you cold.
例句-2:Many of the teams we've faced off against expected to advance to the finals. But they haven't been able to beat us. We've got some excellent players this season. That's why we've been stopping our opponents cold. If we keep it up, we'll make it to the finals!
Stop cold, 這個習慣用語是十九世紀末出現(xiàn)的,因為cold除了寒冷以外,也有突然和徹底的意思?,F(xiàn)在,大家知道這個習慣用語的意思了,下次如果有人用到這個詞,你一定不會感到陌生和意外: It won't stop you cold next time you hear it.