舉個例子吧,老板剛剛通知我,要給我升職提薪。這本來已經(jīng)是天大的好消息了,不一會兒秘書又過來告訴我,要給我換一件新裝修的辦公室,還帶窗戶呢!這就叫 Icing on the cake. Yippee!
例句-1:My little sister was so excited when her braces were taken off her teeth earlier than expected. Even better, she got invited to the school dance by one of the most popular boys in her class the next day. Talk about icing on the cake! She had one great thing happen on top of the other.
他說: 我妹妹剛剛摘了整形牙套,比預(yù)定時間早了很多,讓她喜出望外。更美的是,第二天就有個班里很搶手的男孩子邀請她去參加舞會。這可真是錦上添花,好事不斷。
這個女孩子可真夠幸運(yùn)的。這讓我想起我舅舅,他原以為自己長了腦瘤,后來查出來,長期頭疼是由于視力衰退引起的,配副眼鏡就解決問題了。The icing on the cake是,他跟眼鏡店的接待員一見鐘情,沒過多久,那個接待員就成了我的舅媽。他們兩人恩恩愛愛,已經(jīng)過了三十年。
例句-2:The baseball magazine I subscribe to ran a contest. And guess what? I received the grand prize: two tickets to the World Series. I couldn't be any luckier than if the Yankees were to win. Seeing my favorite team score another victory would be the icing on the cake!