今天我們要講的美國習慣用語是:breathe down someone's neck. Breathe是呼吸的意思;neck是脖子的意思。Breathe down someone's neck 連在一起,是對某人盯得特別緊的意思。
前不久,我朋友Jenny跟她老公Jeff大吵了一架。Jenny說,她的公公和婆婆星期天要來吃飯,所以她讓Jeff去收拾一下院子。過了一會,她去看看Jeff干得怎么樣了。但是Jeff卻說,Jenny is breathing down his neck, 他覺得Jenny盯他盯的太緊了。嗨,這算什么?他要真想知道被人盯的滋味,就應該去聽聽下面這個汽車修理工是怎么說的。
例句-1:I have this one customer who constantly watches me while I'm repairing his car. Finally, I told him that if he continues to breathe down my neck, he's going to have to find another mechanic. I can't concentrate on my work with him around all the time.
我還記得小時候,爸爸媽媽去上班,下午放學就是姐姐看著我和弟弟做作業(yè)。她每隔幾分鐘,就要檢查我們是不是在偷懶,簡直就是在breathe down our necks!
例句-2:During the 1920s and early 30s, Bonnie and Clyde committed several robberies and murders as they traveled across several states. But law authorities were never far behind them. They kept breathe down their necks before finally trapping the gangsters, who died in a gunfight.
我看過由他們的故事改編的電影,拍得特別棒。除了警察以外,還有什么人會breathe down someone's neck? 給你個暗示,凡是會緊緊盯住別人的人都可以算在其中。沒錯,可以有家長、老師、還有上司。