Larry和李華正在電影院外面等朋友。電影都快開場了,可是朋友還沒到。Larry 決定用手機給這個朋友打電話。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:juice和nuke.
LL: Darn! My cell phone is out of juice. Can I use your cell phone to call Bob and Lisa and find out why they're late?
LH: 你的手機怎么啦?Out of juice, juice是果汁。哎噢!該不是你的電話掉到果汁里啦?難怪不能用啦!
LL: No, my cell phone is out of juice. "Juice" is slang for "power". I meant that the battery in my phone is out of power.
LH: 噢,原來juice在這里是指電池里的電啊!所以out of juice就是沒電的意思。既然你的手機沒電了,你可以用我的,我昨晚才充過電,so it has plenty of juice.
LL: That's fortunate. At least one of us has a functioning phone.
LH: 對了,Larry你前些天不是說你的車有毛病嗎?現(xiàn)在怎樣啦?
LL: Yes, my car wouldn't start because the battery was out of juice. I had to go to the mechanic and get a new battery.
LH: 原來是車子里的電池也沒電啦!看來這juice還真少不了,否則什么也干不了。昨天,我的激光唱機沒有電。噢,沒有juice了,偏偏我又找不到電池,害得我什么也聽不了。
LL: Yeah, I hate it when that happens, too. The other day, I was in the middle of typing a report on my laptop, when the battery ran out of juice. I almost lost the whole report.
LH: 哇,你可得特別小心電腦的電池呢。如果電腦沒電了,你輸入的報告還有檔案都可能會泡湯。那可就嚴重了!
LL: I know! I've had some awful experiences with that. Fortunately, now computer companies are making laptops with batteries that hold more juice.
LH: 就是,現(xiàn)在的電腦用的都是容量比較大的電池,所以打到一半沒電的情況比較少了。Larry, 你還是快點兒給他們打電話吧!電影很快就要開始了。
LH: 我真不敢相信Lisa和Bob居然說好了會不來。太糟糕了!
LL: Yeah, I agree. Do you still want to go out to dinner? Or do you want to nuke the pizza that's in my fridge and eat that?
LH: "Nuke a pizza"? "Nuke"是nuclear核能的簡稱。哎,Larry,你準備怎么吃那塊比薩餅呀?
LL: Oh, to nuke something is slang for cooking it in the microwave.
LH: 噢,你真嚇了我一跳呢!原來to nuke是把東西放進微波爐里加熱??!所以你是說你想把冰箱里那塊pizza熱來當晚飯吃。
LL: Well, it would save some money. I also have some frozen dinners we could nuke. It would be faster than going to a restaurant.
LH: 嗯,吃冷凍食品是比去餐館吃飯是比較快,又便宜,可是我覺得冷凍食品不好吃耶!吃東西還是要吃新鮮的好!
LL: My cousin won't eat food that's been nuked at all. She thinks that using a microwave is unhealthy.
LH: 真的嗎?你表妹說微波過的食物都不健康。那微波食物真的對身體有害啊?
LL: I don't know and I don't want to know. Nuking food is so convenient and quick that I really don't want to give it up.
LH: 我知道,微波食物既方便又快速。有時候我實在太忙,沒時間做飯,我也是用微波爐來熱剩菜剩飯。
LL: I hardly ever have time to cook an entire meal. I'm also not a very good cook, so I would probably starve without a microwave.
今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是juice,也就是電源,電力的意思。 另一個常用語是nuke,是用微波爐加熱的意思。