blindly, at the expense of environment
It is despicable that some nations areblindly accelerating their economic growth at the expense of naturalenvironment.
sustainable development, be onlypossible
Healthy and sustainable economicdevelopment is only possible in a vibrant environment where all livingcreatures are thriving.
relocate high-polluting industries
It is a shameful practice that manydeveloped countries relocate their high-polluting industries to those lessdeveloped ones.
B. Environment and Health
the correlation between … and …,
The correlation between human healthconditions and the quality of natural environment has been well-documented.
urban populations, can be traced to …
The causes of most chronic diseases amongurban populations can be traced to environmental decline.
healthy diet, strengthen immune system
Personal efforts such as healthy diet andregular exercise can strengthen our immune system and thus ward off influencesof poor environment.
C. Environment and Climate
decline of environment, abnormalities
The consistent decline of environment allover the world is responsible for a rising number of abnormalities in globalclimate.
extreme weather conditions, worsening
A wide range of extreme weather conditionshave contributed significantly to the worsening of natural environment.
regulate the climate, skillfulmanagement
As human beings, we are capable ofregulating the climate through skillful management of ecosystems.