As is revealed in the drawing, a young man wearing a T-shirt is surfing online in front of a computer. On the screen, a chat room is full of provocations, dirty words and rumors. The caption indicates that "I will give him some strong language!"
Most of us think that good manners and etiquette are the essentials of a polite society. However, when it comes to the Internet any rules of good behavior seem to go out of the window. It is very common to find "trolls" who will mercilessly harass you by posting harsh and disrespectful comments on any social media website you may be a member of. These "flame wars" have even led to the deaths of four teenagers according to a recent British newspaper.
If you subject yourself to trolls and respond by trolling yourself you may find that this kind of behavior may not restrict itself to cyberspace.
T-shirt T 恤
surf 沖浪
screen 屏幕
chat room 聊天室
provocation 挑釁
dirty word 臟話
rumor 謠言
strong language 罵人的話
manners 禮貌
etiquette 禮儀
troll 發(fā)惡意帖挑釁的人
mercilessly 無情地
harass 攻擊;騷擾
post 貼
harsh 粗野的
disrespectful 無禮的
comment 評論
social media website 社交網站
teenager 青少年
British 英國的
subject to 使遭受/蒙受
respond 回復
cyberspace 網絡空間
1 Remember that you are talking to real people who have feelings and not just an impersonal computer.
2 Respect other people's privacy and don't abuse your power.
3 Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you would follow in real life.