Lesson Eight
Short Conversations
Connie's play
Whittaker: Now wait a minute, Connie. Edwin Blackard wants to produce your play about the desert island?
Connie: Yeah! Why are you acting so surprised?
Whittaker: I guess you've re-written it since last time I read it.
Connie: No. I haven't touched a word.
Whittaker: Really?
Connie: Whit, what's wrong?
Whittaker: Connie, you remember what I said when I read your play.
Connie: Well, you didn't like it?
Whittaker: No, it's not that I didn't like it. It's that it wasn't a good play. Your characters were weak, your dialogue was clichéd and you didn't have much of a story.
Connie: Yeah, besides that.
Whittaker: If you haven't re-written it, then why in the world would Blackard want to produce it?
Connie: Obviously he knows talent when he sees it.
Whittaker: Uh, yes, he does, but ...er..., I'd like to know where he sees it in this idea.