Your lover must approach you properly in order to win your heart. You love good cooking and fine wine. The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach[1]. You are turned off by individuals who exaggerate or color[2] the truth. You like to be admired and will respond if your lover is encouraging.
[1]The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach:有人說,要抓住男人的心先要抓住他的胃,這句話也是這么個意思,看來中西文化相通之處還是很多的。
[2]color:Color在此作動詞,意為“渲染,歪曲”。真相和事實本不需粉飾,人為地添上顏色不就改變了它們的本來面目了嗎?要是誰喜歡夸大事實、胡吹海侃,你就可以說:His tales are often highly colored.
金牛座白羊座 TAURUS & ARIES: This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.
金牛座金牛座 TAURUS & TAURUS: Not bad sexually, however this union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes[3] eating in front of the television.
[3]couch potatoes:可能是美國人愛吃土豆的緣故,他們在口語里也經(jīng)常用到potato這個詞。Couch potato就是那些總窩在沙發(fā)里看電視的人,整天也不動彈懶洋洋的樣子還真像個大土豆呢!small potatoes是指那些微不足道的小人物,而a hot potato吃不得,拿著又燙手,當(dāng)然就是比喻一個棘手的問題啦!
金牛座雙子座 TAURUS & GEMINI: Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really a likely combination.
金牛座巨蟹座 TAURUS & CANCER: Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.
金牛座獅子座 TAURUS & LEO: This is not only an unlikely connection but one that is built on deception[4]. If your financial position is good you will attract the Lion however, this partner will want he freedom to roam.
[4]built on deception:建于欺騙的基礎(chǔ)上。正如房子要修建地基,很多事物也要建立在一定的基礎(chǔ)上。A castle built on air建立于無形的空氣之上自然無法實現(xiàn),也就是我們常說的空中樓閣了。
金牛座處女座 TAURUS & VIRGO: Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well. You are both practical and hard working.