Sunday’s Run
Hi, Alison.
Oh,hi, Julian.Have you been training hard for Sunday's run for a cure for breast
You bet! I have been running three times a week for over an hour each time.It's great.
I can't believe I've gotten to this point so quickly! Only six months ago I would run
for five minutes and almost collapse in exhaustion.
I hear you. I decided to run in this marathon because I needed a motivator to get
myself back into sharp. During my pregnancy I gained a whopping eighty pounds
and I'm still trying to trim down. Also, I totally believe in the course.I know so many
poeple who have been touched by the disease.
Wow! Eighter pounds! That's nuts! Did you have triples?
No, just a big little boy. He was born 9 pounds, 5 ounces.Hi, Julian, what inspired
you to want to run this weekend?
Well, a bunch of my running buddies thought it would be a great idea. We all
started running at the same time and when we heard one of the guys' mother was
diagnosed with cancer, we thought the marathon was something positive we could do
as a group. It should be a lot of fun , and I've been collecting lot of sponsors from the
school. So I'll hopefuly make tons of money for the cause.
That's so cool, Julian.Hey, I've got to dash. I'll see you finish line on Sunday.
1. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A Running and its danger.
B Pregnancy and weight.
C Marathon for charity.
D How to collect money.
2. What is the main reason for the woman to have gained a lot of weight?
A She had a baby.
B She was diagnosed with cancer.
C She ate a lot without doing any exercise.
D She could not go to a gym due to lack of money.