He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster," said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. "
它著到龍 蝦準備揚帆出海,很是吃驚。 “龍蝦,”螃蟹說,”在這樣的天氣里出海冒險,你真是太魯莽了!”
Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea! " "I will come with you, " said the crab. I will not let you face such danger alone. "
“或許吧,H龍蝦說,可是,我喜歡海上的風暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹說,一我不能讓你獨自面對這樣的
The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.
Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. "Crab! " shouted the lobster above the roar of the wind.
它們的小船被洶涌的海水顛簸著、擊打著。 “螃蟹!”龍蝦的喊聲壓過了呼嘯的狂風,”
For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breath away "Lobster, I think we are sinking" cried the crab.
had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary.
對我來說,浪花的 飛濺使我興奮不已,每一個浪頭涌來都讓我驚心動魄。”
"Yes, of course, we are sinking, ' said the lobster. “This old boat is full of holes. Have courage, my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea."
“龍蝦,我覺得我們在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。 -是的,當然,我們在下沉。"龍蝦說,“這只舊船到處都是洞。
The little boat capsized and sank. " Horrors ! " cried the crab. "Down we go!" shouted the lobster. The crab was shaken and upset.
勇敢點兒,我的朋友。記住,咱們倆都是海里的動物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。 “太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。
The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. "How brave we are," said the lobster "What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.
“我們下去嘍!”龍蝦大喊著。 這樣東搖西擺,螃蟹很不舒服。龍蝦拉著它放松地在海底 走著。 _我們多勇敢啊,”龍蝦說,這次冒險太棒了!” 螃蟹覺得好些了。
Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary
雖然它平時過著平靜的生活,但是它不得 不承認,這一天過得異乎尋常的愉快。