齊大饑。黔敖為食于路,以待餓者而食之。良久,有餓者,蒙袂輯屨,貿貿然來。黔敖左奉食,右執(zhí)飲,曰:“嗟!來食!”揚其目而視之,曰:“予唯不食嗟來之食,以至于斯也!”從而謝焉,終不食而死。曾子聞之,曰:“微與!其嗟也可去,其謝也可食?!?br />
Holla, Come and Eat!
There was a severe famine in Qi. Qian Ao had food ready at the roadside for the starvelings to eat. A famished man appeared staggeringly, covered his face with the sleeve because of shame, his shoes flapping. He was halted by Qian Ao, who held food in his left hand and drink in the right, saying: "Holla, come, you." The man raised his eyes and looked at him. "I have become thus only because I don't want to eat anything given in such a manner," he said. So Qian Ao made an immediate apology to him for not being so polite at first, but still the man refused to take any food and died with hunger at last. On hearing this, Zengzi said: "It's a pity for him to do so. He might have gone away when offered food as alms, but he should have eaten when apologized."