1. “五百。”
“500 hundred yuan a bottle.”
2. “世界上只有一種病,就是窮病。”
“There is only one illness in the world—poverty.”
3. “為了買藥,房子沒了,家人也拖垮了。”
“The pricy drugs have taken away my house as well as the happiness of my family.”
4. “他才二十歲,他只是想要活著,犯了什么罪。”
“He is only twenty. All he wants is to survive. What crime has he committed? ”
5. “他們根本吃不起正版藥,他們就等著我把藥帶回去救他們的命。”
“They cannot afford official drugs. They are waiting for the cheap drugs to save lives.”
6. “我不想死,我想活著。行嗎?”
“I don’t want to die. I want to live. Please.”
7. “印度是窮人的藥房。”
“India is the pharmacy for the poor.”
8. “我只希望,未來這個社會可以變的更好一點。”
“I simply hope that our society will become a little better in the future.”
(來源:微信公眾號“侃英語” 編輯:Julie)