Unit one I can touch it. 1.Point and say.;
nose ear toe neck leg heel elbow face;
2.Listen and touch. 3.Say it.;
I can touch my mouth. I can touch my leg. I can touch my nose. I can touch my toes.;
4.Say it to your friend.;
Touch the rabbit's ears. Touch the rabbit's nose.;
Touch the rabbit's mouth. Touch the rabbit's eyes.;
Touch the rabbit's hand. Touch the rabbit's feet.;
5.Sing it.;
I can touch the sun. I can touch the moon. I can touch the stars. I can touch the train.;
I can touch the sun, touch the moon,touch the stars,touch the train.;
I can touch the bus. I can touch the bike.;
I can touch the sun. I can touch the moon. I can touch the stars. I can touch the train.;
I can touch the sun, touch the moon,touch the stars,touch the train.;
I can touch the bus. I can touch the bike.;
6.Let's learn the letter Qq. 1/Do it.;
Hi!This is the letter Qq. Let's stand here and make a letter Qq.;
2.Say it. Big Q is a mirror, Small q is a mouse.;
The mouse is looking at the mirror. The mirror is looking at the mouse.;
3.Learn the words. queen quilt queue;
Unit two I can feel it. 1.Point and say.;
eraser pencil ruler pencil-box book apple pen pear;
2.Do it. Close your eyes, please!;
Come and feel it. What is it? It's and apple.;
3.Pass the box. What's in the box? A pen!;
4.Chant it.;
What's in the box? A pen is in the box. What's in the box? A ruler is in the box.;
5.Ask and answer. What's in the bag? There's a book.;
6.Listen and do. Now there are many things in the bag.;
Pass me the book, please. Here you are. Thank you.;
Pass me the pencil, please. Here you are. Thank you.;
7.Let's learn the letter Rr. 1.Ask and answer.;
Are you a fish? No,I'm not. Are you a fish? Yes,I am.;
2.Chant it. Rr,Rr,there's a farm. Rr,Rr,it's very far.;
Rr,Rr,it's geting dark. Rr,Rr,let's drive a car.;
Rr,Rr,there's a farm. Rr,Rr,it's very far.;
Rr,Rr,it's geting dark. Rr,Rr,let's drive a car.;
3/Read it. car farm garden;
Exercises 1.Listen and tick. 1/What's she doing?;
2/Who's playing hopscotch now? 3/What's in the box?;
Unit three Move things. 1.Let's play.;
Start here. Put the ball down. Take the book.;
Put the book here. Take the chair. Put the chair here.;
Take the ball. Take the bag. Put the ball down. Take the pear.;
Put the pear and the bag here. Hop inside the house. Finish!;
2.Tick it. Who is right?;
Put the book on your head. Put the pencil in the pencil-box.;
Put the apple on the bag. Put the eraser in your hand.;
3.Listen and colour it.;
4.Let's learn the letter Ss. 1/Say it.;
Look at those! They look like snakes. Yes,you're right. They look like snakes.;
2.Chant it.;
S-s-s-s snake! S-s-s-s snake! One long snake, one short snake.;
S-s-s-s snake! S-s-s-s snake! One green snake, one yellow snake.;
S-s-s-s snake! S-s-s-s snake! One long snake, one short snake.;
S-s-s-s snake! S-s-s-s snake! One green snake, one yellow snake.;
3.Read it. snake snail spider;
Unit four This is my favourite.;
1.Read and tick. What's your favourite food?;
cake ice cream pizza burger noodles hot dog sandwich rice;
2.Chant it.;
Cakes,rice,pizza, noodles,burgers, sandwiches,hot dogs, ice cream.;
4.Read it.;
My favourite food is hamburgers. Her favourite food is pizza.;
His favourite food is snadwiches. Your favourite food is hot dogs.;
5.Sing it.;
Food,favourite food,my favourite food. This is my favourite food.;
Dog,favourite dog,my favourite dog. This is my favourite dog.;
Food,favourite food,my favourite food. This is my favourite food.;
Dog,favourite dog,my favourite dog. This is my favourite dog.;
6.Read and match. 7.Let's learn the letter Tt. 1/Chant it.;
Tea,tea,tea,can I have some tea? Tea,tea,tea,here is your tea.;
2.Learn the words. table taxi tea;
Exercises 1.Listen and tick. What's the boy's favourite food?;
What's the girl's favourite animal? What's the boy's favourite picture?;
Unit five I love animals. 1.Say it.;
a dog a cat a horse a hen a duck a pig a sheep a cow;
2.Mime the sound.;
Dog --- woof-woof Cat --- meow-meow Horse --- neigh-neigh Hen --- cluck-cluck;
Duck --- quack-quack Pig --- oink-oink Sheep --- baa-baa Cow --- moo-moo;
6.Let's learn the letter Uu. 1/Chant it.;
U is a mountain,the mountain is U. Up in the plane I can see you.;
Mountain after mountain,tree after tree.;
Here I am,there I am, flying to greet you.;
U is a mountain,the mountain is U. Up in the plane I can see you.;
Mountain after mountain,tree after tree.;
Here I am,there I am, flying to greet you.;
2/Learn the words ruler blue tube glue;
Exercises 2.Chant it.;
Dog,dog,a big brown dog. Cat,cat,a small black cat.;
Horse,horse,a tall white horse. Hen,hen,a short yellow hen.;
Dog,dog,a big brown dog. Cat,cat,a small black cat.;
Horse,horse,a tall white horse. Hen,hen,a short yellow hen.;
Unit six Let's play"Bus Travelling.";
1.Do it. Boys and girls! Come and sit here!;
2.Say it. Go,go,go,go,let's go. Get on,get on,get on the bus.;
Get off,get off,get off the bus.;
3.Ask and answer.;
Where are you going? I'm going to Tian'an men. I'm going to Xidan.;
4.Learn it. train bus car plane;
Here it is! Please get off. Please get on. Please get on.;
7.Let's learn the letter Vv. 1/Ask and answer.;
Can you see letter Vv? Yes,I can. Where's the box. He's between the goats;
2.Let's chant.;
V is for van. V is for vest. V is for video. V is for volleyball.;
V is for vase. V is for village. V is for vine. V is for violin.;
V is for van. V is for vest. V is for video. V is for volleyball.;
V is for vase. V is for village. V is for vine. V is for violin.;
3.Let's say. van vest video volleyball;
Exercises 1.Listen and tick.;
Unit seven Who is lucky?;
1.Ask and answer. What colour do you like? I like red.;
green red blue yellow white black brown;
2.Choose a colour. Which colour do you want? I want yellow.;
4.Ask and answer. What colour is that tree?;
It's green. What clour is this big apple?;
It's red. What colour is this banana?;
It's yellow. What colour is this horse? It's white.;
5.Say it.;
green head brown hand white feet yellow eyes;
red ears black nose blue arms purple legs;
6.Let's learn the letter Ww. 1/Listen and repeat.;
Ww,Ww,I like you. You are nice,you are new. 2.Ask and answer.;
What are they doing? They are skateboarding Are they having fun? Yes,they are.;
3.Learn the words. whale wood waterfall;
Unti eight Let's play hopscotch.;
1.Hop first. Hop!Hop!Hop!Hop!Pick! Hop!Stop!Turn around! Pick!;
2.Hop and turn around. Hop!Hop!Stop!Hop!Pick! Hop!Pick!Stop!Turn around!Pick!;
3.Do it again.;
Hop!Stop!Hop!Stop!Hop! Stop!Pick! Hop!Hop!Stop!Hop!Hop! Stop!Hop!Pick!;
4.Chant it.;
Hopscotch,hopscotch, hop,hop,hopscotch. Stop!Pick!Stop!Pick! Stop!Stop!Stop!Pick!;
Turn around,turn around,turn,turn,turn around.;
Let's play!Let's play! Let's play hopscotch!;
Hopscotch,hopscotch, hop,hop,hopscotch. Stop!Pick!Stop!Pick! Stop!Stop!Stop!Pick!;
Turn around,turn around,turn,turn,turn around.;
Let's play!Let's play! Let's play hopscotch!;
5.Try it. 1/Hop here,pick up a pen and hop back. 2/Hop relay.;
6.Let's learn the letter Xx. 1/Listen and repeat.;
Big X,small x. Tall Max,short Max. Stand next to the Xx.;
2/Say it. windmill pinwheel;
Look!They have two windmills. But I have a pinwheel.;
3/Learn the words. x-ray xylophone box;
Exercises 2.Who's right?;
Pass me the pencil. Pass me the book. Pass me the banana. Pass me the ball.;
Unit nine Kick a ball. 1/Show it.;
What's this? It's a ball. Is it small?;
Yes,it's small. What colour is it? It's orange.;
2/Kick a ball. Look! I'm kicking the ball. Now you do it!;
3/Kick it. Who can kick the ball into the circle? I can!;
5.Sing it. Boys,girls,stand in a line.;
Let's kick the red ball,one,two,three, four.;
Red ball,green ball, yellow ball,black ball one two,three,four. Let's kick the ball.;
Boys,girls,stand in a line.;
Let's kick the red ball,one,two,three, four.;
Red ball,green ball, yellow ball,black ball one two,three,four. Let's kick the ball.;
6.Listen and match.;
7.Let's learn the letter Yy. 1/Chant it.;
YYYYY Why is he flying kite? Why this?What that? I don't know why.;
YYYYY Why is he riding a bike?Why this? Why that?I don't know why.;
YYYYY Why is he flying kite? Why this?What that? I don't know why.;
YYYYY Why is he riding a bike?Why this? Why that?I don't know why.;
A man sits on the rocket,flying into the sky.;
A bird carries a ribbon,dancing like a kite.;
Flies away the rocket, but the bird comes back.;
Flies away the bird, but the rocket comes back.;
A man sits on the rocket,flying into the sky.;
A bird carries a ribbon,dancing like a kite.;
Flies away the rocket, but the bird comes back.;
Flies away the bird, but the rocket comes back.;
2/Read it. yellow young;
Exercises 1.Listen and poin.;
3.Sing it. Yankee Doodle went to town,just riding on a pony.;
He stuck a feather in his cap,and called it macaroni.;
Ynakee Doodle went to town,just riding on a pony.;
He stuck a feather in his cap,and called it macaroni.;
Unit ten Who's right? 1.Do it.;
Open your books. Close your books. Stand up. Sit down.;
3.Act it.;
Open your books! Close your books! Stand up! Sit down!;
Take out your pencils! Come to the blackboard Go to the window! Come to the door!;
4.Read and match.;
crocodile cock horse monkey elephant rabbit zebra dog;
6.Let's learn the letter Zz. 1/Read and colour.;
Colour the big Z brown. Colour the small z yellow.;
2/Say it. Big duck is big Z,;
small duck is small z. Green duck,blue duck, they're beautiful ducks.;
3/Learn the words. zebra zero zoo;
Exercises 1.Listen and tick.;
Unit eleven You and I.;
1.Say it. I You he She we They You It;
3.Chant it.;
You and I,you and I You and he and she you and it,you and it You and they and we.;
4.Read it. I'm a pupil. He's a cook. She's a nurse.;
It's a dog. We're brothers. They're sisters.;
5.Guess it. Who am I? You're Tom? No!He's Jack.;
Exercises 1.Listen and tick.;
Unit twelve This and that. 1.Chant it.;
This and that,this and that,this and that. This and that,this and that,this and that.;
2.Read it.;
This is a book. That is a pen. This is a pencil. That is a box.;
6.Act it.;
A cat,a cat,meow,meow, meow. A dog,a dog,woof,woof, woof.;
A duck,a duck,quack, quack,quack. A cow,a cow,moo,moo, moo.;
7.Sing it. One little,two,little, three little Indians.;
Four little,five little,six little Indians.;
Seven little,eight little,nine little Indians.;
Ten little Indians boys.;
Ten little,nine little,eight little Indians.;
Seven little,six little,five little Indians.;
Four little,three little,two little Indians. One little Indian boy.;
Exercises 2.Read and practise.;
This is a ball. It' a red ball. It's a big ball;
That's a ball too. It's a green ball. It's a small ball.;