英語幽默笑話是英語學習中少有的快樂添加劑,既能增強閱讀理解能力,還能增進學習興趣。下面是小編整理的幽默笑話:MOSES & JESUS 摩西和耶穌的內(nèi)容,希望你會喜歡!
A burglar breaks into a house. He sees a CD player that he wants so he takes it. Then he hears a voice "JESUS is watching you". He looks around with his flashlight wandering "What The HELL Was That?". He spots some $ on a table and takes it......Once again he hears a voice " JESUS is watching you". He hides in a corner trying to find where the voice came from. He spots a birdcage with a parrot in it! He goes over and asks " Was that your voice?". It said "YES". He then says "What's your name?". It says "MOSES". The burglar says " What kind of person names his bird moses??" The parrot replys "THE SAME PERSON THAT NAMES HIS Rottweiler "JESUS".
一個竊賊潛入一戶人家。他看到一個喜歡的CD機,他趕緊拿了。就在這個時候他聽到有人說:“耶穌正在看著你?!彼罩蛛娍磥砜慈?,嘀咕著:“到底是什么人在說話?”這時,他看到桌子上有些錢,他又拿了。。。那聲音又來了:“耶穌正在看著你?!彼愕揭粋€角落,想找出是誰在說話。結果看到一只鸚鵡,于是他問鸚鵡:“是你在說話嗎?”鸚鵡承認了。 小賊說:“你叫什么名字?”“摩西”。小賊說:“什么人給鳥取這種名字?”鸚鵡回答:“就是那個給他的羅威那犬取名為‘耶穌’的那個人啊?!?/P>