婚禮承包商給我寄了12道小菜的菜單我得減到六道食物? 給我瞧瞧! 莫妮卡跟你們提起過那只很棒的樂隊嗎?Swing Kings,我們打算請他們在婚禮上演奏?你幾時開始喜歡搖擺舞音樂?哦 我一直喜歡! 我跑遍全市、聽完所有的樂隊!錢德我從Gap commercial那支廣告開始喜歡。那你預訂好了? 你打過電話了?我會的你想讓我打電話?不, 我會打的, 你只要做好自己的事什么是你的事?別擋道不可能再減了 莫妮卡為什么你不十五樣全選了?這里面只有十二樣哦 沒錯 我加了三樣花生奶油手指是什么?!哦 對ˇ哦,哈羅!她真可愛!我們是不是上去和她聊兩句?當然!這就是訂婚的一大好處和漂亮姑娘聊天不會感到緊張能幫把手嗎?哦 是的! 我來幫你拿下來這個真的很重我明白嗨, 我叫, 我叫羅斯 這是我的朋友錢德我-我叫克里斯頓克里斯頓, 嗨 你剛搬來這區(qū)?如果你是剛搬來的話ˇ有時間的話我很樂意帶你到處看看我ˇ我, 實際上我剛剛從四個街區(qū)以外搬來但是這個街區(qū)好像完全是另外一個世界實際上這里有一段非常有趣的歷史 這條街是本市第一條有下水道系統(tǒng)的街道 在那之前污水和垃圾都順著街道流淌有時候有沒腳踝那么深!很迷人對不起?搬了這么久你一定餓了今天晚上我?guī)闳コ燥?,你覺得怎么樣?哦 我很樂意太好了!我?guī)湍惆褨|西搬上去.你先走哦 不-不, 我在你后面哦 天吶!是我瘋了還是真的很配我?!哦 天吶! 你看起來真漂亮!謝謝你 瑞秋 但是你看看莫妮卡!是它 沒錯 就是這件不敢相信我終于找到了!Wow 你看起來真漂亮!如果我認識你, 我會哭的我是莫妮卡蓋勒, 像嬰兒一樣快樂梅根貝利你找到中意的婚紗了?哦 不 這些婚紗都很美,但是我買不起不, 我也買不起,我只是來看看想要款式我會去Kleinman’s買, 同樣的東西在布魯克林有打折 后天那里有個大甩賣哦, 謝謝你的提示是的! 你什么時候結(jié)婚?哦 我不是,我只是喜歡試穿跟我一樣我開玩笑 我7月25號結(jié)婚我也是開玩笑我12月結(jié)婚你什么時候結(jié)婚?5月15日- 哦 很快!- 是的!攝影師是誰?詹弗瑞我們見過他他給你們看了他拍的裸體婚禮的照片嗎?那個偉哥? 哇喔!我知道! 我差點取消婚禮哦, 你們請了哪支樂隊?!哦, 我未婚夫想請Swing Kings哦, 你真幸運我未婚夫想請重金屬樂隊Carcass哦, 是拼做‘C’還是‘K’? 哦 我的天! 管他呢,他們都很棒!哦 你知道嗎? 你知道嗎?你知道嗎?別在這買想買婚紗的話去Kleinman’s,那里打五折這間店太黑了我是這間店的老板這個款式進了其他顏色或者ˇ嗨! 你是搬進來還是搬出去?我搬進來哦 啊 我能幫你嗎?哦 好的 但是你知道 要小心點剛才有個人要幫我,可他不得不離開,因為他傷到了背男朋友?不是我是喬伊克里斯頓哦 哇喔 多美的名字!再問一次,什么來著?克里斯頓- 知道知道! 所以ˇ所以, 你住這附近?是的! 是的! 就在那里下去一點嘿 聽著 我給你點建議別在門廊上打盹要不然醒來的時候你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你的鞋不見了我會記住的Okay. . 聽著 你 你今天晚上可不可以和我一起吃飯?哦 我, 我今天晚上有節(jié)目明天怎么樣?聽起來不錯! 好吧, 這個放哪?你看起很壯, 為什么不我來拿這個,你去搬箱子呢?好吧, 我來搬這個這就是布魯克林好吧, 聽著, 通常這里一個款式只有一個尺碼所以他們一打開門, 我們就散開現(xiàn)在, 這就是你要找的! 記住! 你們找到那件婚紗就吹這個 好嗎? 三聲短哨, 一聽到就趕快跑過來- 他來了! 快點!- 哦 他們在推我!嘿! 別像個小孩子!好吧 我ˇ我們上!!嘿! 瑞秋! 快!!!!不. 不. 不是. 不是. 不是.別擠我!就是這件! 就是這件! 哦 我的天吶, 太完美了!對不起, 這件已經(jīng)有主了! 哇喔!- 梅根!- 莫妮卡!- 你也來了?!- 是啊!這是我的婚紗!不!沒錯! 你看見我穿過的!現(xiàn)在你會看見我買了什么?你這個瘋子!要不是我,你連聽都沒聽過這里!聽著, 你不會想打架的也許會的! 我很喜歡打架! 來啦! 來啦! 好啦!嘿!我該上哪邊?!! 你在干什么?你找到婚紗了? 你找到婚紗了?不!你得把我從這弄出去,菲比! 這些人看見打折簡直不要命了!我-我們得去找莫妮卡不! 拉著我!!哦 天吶!! 借過! 借過!快! 快! 快!- 嘿ˇ- 馬上!!!!!!!! 羅斯, 前幾天的約會怎么樣?你和她談起那次沖洗廁所的奇妙之旅了?隨便你說, 事實上她給我留言,說她希望再次約會實際上, 我現(xiàn)在就要去給她打電話我一定會告訴她,我的朋友錢德說ˇ 嘿 錢德!嘿!對不起昨天沒來,但是我有個約會哦 喬伊, 那是凌晨一點,你沒過來沒關(guān)系!好吧,你知道我和那個剛搬來的辣妹在一起真的嗎? 就在街對面?沒錯!什么時候碰見她的?兩天前太棒了!你知道羅斯也碰見個美女!哦 是嗎?嘿 嗨! 怎么樣?哦 很好! 我們星期六一起出去但我剛發(fā)現(xiàn)她還和另外一個男人約會真的?!喬伊? 如果你是羅斯,你會怎么做?哦, 我想我的情況有點類似我是說, 我現(xiàn)在泡的這個妞也和其他的男人約會但是, 我不知道, 我才不擔心好吧 你不會相信我, 我可不想成為那個撬你墻角的男人 我是說那個傻瓜輸定了!這太好了!我希望我可以不用走, 相信我!但不幸的是我不得不走哦 啊, 順便問一句, 你們約會的那個妞叫什么?克里斯頓朗- 再見!很明顯,我們當中只能有一個和她繼續(xù)約會很明顯!那好, 怎么決定?好吧,現(xiàn)在我們客觀地看待這件事我認應該我和她約會ˇ或者說, 或者說我是和她約會的人很有趣, 但你看 我約她ˇ是的,我喜歡這樣說,只是表達方式不同ˇ好吧, 好吧 這得花點時間沒錯,我們應該叫點東西不 喬伊! 看,我們?yōu)槭裁矗瑸槭裁床蛔屗齺頉Q定呢? 好嗎? 嘿-嘿, 我們分別和她再約會一次 然后我們就知道她喜歡誰多一點聽起來很公平說不定我會帶她到外面那間新開的法國餐廳ˇ哦 -等等! 聽著 我們得訂一個消費限額我可沒錢帶她到這種好方抱歉 這就是我約會的方式好吧, 我想我也有我的方式好吧,我們來決定消費的限額ˇ好 Uh,ˇ一片ˇˇ六美元?我想的是差不多100美元好吧 能借我94美元嗎?我知道給我張紙巾健怡可樂喝光了哈羅?什么?! 你什么?! 嘿 你給我好好聽著,小妞! 什-什么事?!是Megan那個丫頭!她訂了我們結(jié)婚那天Swing Kings樂隊的演出還說除非我把她的婚紗還給她,否則就別想要回樂隊這么說我們可以請Carcass樂隊?我該怎么做! 那件婚紗就是我一直想要的! 我ˇ錢德想要那支樂隊. 我該怎么做?得想個法子說服他怎么做?廁紙沒了!嗨!- 嗨! 怎么樣?你知道,我只是想過來,祝你好運哦 謝謝!是的. 你們約了幾點?我們訂了Grammercy Bistero八點的位子哇喔, 還有20分鐘 你最好趕快去換衣服我已經(jīng)換好了哦. 很好!對我來說 這是什么? 你抹了面霜?我用了油性護膚霜T-zone!好吧 花花公子!嘿 你, 你給克里斯頓送花了沒錯你花了一百美元這是限額,你死定了!實際上, 我送花是在那天之前所以理論上來講我沒有違反約定盡管這樣,還是很感謝你過來看我哦-哦! 這樣是吧?你知道我也可以違反規(guī)定!哦 是嗎? 你打算怎么做?我不知道我一點都不吃驚你知道嗎,羅斯? 我不會就這么算了!我想你沒有太多選擇好吧,走著瞧!再-見!是的 再-見!嘿! 只是輕輕抹兩下?是. 是. 就這和這喬伊又在樓梯吃肉醬!沒錯, 搖擺舞太過時了菲比, 他在里面才拉得出來你們在談什么?我們剛才談到Swing Kings我們正在討論他們是不是最好的選擇是的, 我參加過一個婚禮,他們在上面演奏搖擺舞音樂 兩個星期以后,那對夫婦離婚了我不是說這有什么必然聯(lián)系,但是,你知道他們告訴我這就是他們離婚的原因但是我喜歡搖擺舞!但是,Swing Kings?你知道他們太爛了,事實上參加他們演奏會的人都死了他們就那么死了我只知道我和莫妮卡看他們表演的時候, 我們很開心! 還有一個原因好吧, 另外一個原因是什么?我不想說好吧你得說出來因為也許很愚蠢因為當我和莫妮卡在他們的伴奏下跳舞的時候,那是我ˇ第一次知道ˇ你就是那個我想和她跳完所有曲子的女人哦 廢話!他們說我們的桌子很快就準備好哦 太好了!你的背好些了嗎?哦,是的,好多了我想肌肉越多,就越容易扭傷克里斯頓?喬伊!嗨! 你在這做什么?哦 我喜歡這個地方而且理論上, 理論上我沒有違反約定 所以我ˇ好吧, 羅斯? 這是喬伊 喬伊? 這是羅斯嗨!嗨很高興見到你我以前有個朋友也叫喬伊現(xiàn)在不是了我們的桌子馬上就好- 好的.那ˇ- 當然! 我很高興和你們一起等! 謝謝!喬伊, 你看起來很面熟你是演電視劇或什么的嗎?好吧,喬伊不想多說,但是 但是他是光輝歲月的主角對了! 沒錯, 你演的是一個女人?一個在男人身體里面的女人好多了你知道嗎 羅斯 真有趣 我也覺得你很面熟你結(jié)過婚嗎?是的 沒錯 我結(jié)過婚 事實上 umm, 前幾天克里斯頓和我剛談起過我是怎么結(jié)婚并有一個兒子的- 是的, 小埃里克- 沒錯!不,等等, 是本你就結(jié)過一次婚?哦 ummˇ你結(jié)過兩次婚?是的 那次之后還有一次哦 我餓了!嘿 喬伊, 你這么餓過嗎?在約會的時候趁那個女孩去洗手間的時候把她的東西吃了?你說是那個侍應生吃了我的蟹餅好吧 羅斯 你第一次為什么離婚?因為那個女人是異性戀還是因為她是個女同性戀?你們兩個是不是認識?不.不.不. 只是羅斯看起來像是那種會娶有同性戀傾向的女人然后讓她不得不成為同性戀的男人等等! 你做過淋病廣告?你和猴子一塊睡?!嘿,別把馬修扯進來!好吧! 你是不是穿過自己的皮褲脫不下來?!嘿-嘿 你是不是把自己鎖在電視機柜子里,性病男孩?!猴子的情人!你說她什么時候走的?大概是在說淋病的時候嗨, 親愛的! 我回來了!別進來!為什么? 你在房里藏了另外一個男朋友?不! 我們只在他那鬼混!你知道這很有趣,是我先開始的, 但是現(xiàn)在我被嚇著了你能出來嗎?不, 我在穿婚紗哦,你買了婚紗了? 太好了!是的,但是我不想要它是嗎?為什么不讓我看看?哦. 我想你可以看但是 我要退回去,所以你不會喜歡的好吧 我保證會討厭它的哇喔! 你-你看起來真丑真的嗎?沒錯, 大概是我見過的最丑的婚紗為什么要退回去?哦 因為它不是ˇ很合身哦 順便說一聲, 我訂了Swing Kings.哦 太好了! 很好! 謝謝!但是這婚紗,我是說很討厭! 太爛了! 我想把它從你身上撕下來!好吧! 但是你不能撕它, 也許一點點好!嘿 各位! 想看看婚禮曲單嗎?各位?我以為你會去一整天好吧,怎么回事?對不起. 對不起. 也許我該讓你們幾個女孩子待在一塊好吧, 隨便你怎么說但是十分鐘以后,我們就會擁有更年輕的皮膚!她也可以來一點ˇ哦,好球!!!
717 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress
[Scene: Central Perk, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey are there. Monica is holding a piece of paper.]
Monica: So the wedding caterer sent me this list of twelve appetizers and I have to narrow it down to six.
Joey: Food? Uh-huh gimme! (She hands him the paper.)
Chandler: So did Monica tell you about this great band called the Swing Kings that we’re trying to get to play at the wedding?
Phoebe: Since when are you into swing music?
Chandler: Oh since forever! I used to go all over town listening to bands!
Monica: Chandler.
Chandler: Gap commercial. (To Monica) So did you book them? Did you call?
Monica: I will.
Chandler: Do you want me to call?
Monica: No, I’ll do it. You just stick to your job.
Phoebe: What is your job?
Chandler: Staying out of the way.
Joey: This is impossible Monica, why don’t you just pick all 15? (Hands back the paper.)
Monica: There were only twelve.
Joey: Oh yeah, I added three.
Monica: What are peanut butter fingers?!
Joey: Oh yeah… (He mimes sticking his fingers into a jar of peanut butter, scooping some out, and eating it off his fingers.)
Opening Credits
[Scene: A Street, Chandler and Ross are at a newsstand.]
Ross: (noticing a beautiful woman moving in down the street) Well hello! She’s cute! Should we uh, go try to talk to her?
Chandler: Sure! That’s one of the great things about being engaged. I’m not nervous talking to pretty girls anymore.
The Woman: Could you guys help me? (Chandler shyly exhales and looks away.)
Ross: Uh yeah! Let me, let me get that for you.
The Woman: It-it’s really heavy.
Ross: (exhales) I got it. (He lifts the box and grunts under the strain.) (Calmly) So hi, I’m uh, I’m Ross and this is my friend Chandler. (He shyly waves.)
The Woman: I-I am Kristen.
Ross: Kristen, hi. Are you uh, new to the area, ‘cause if you are…I’d love to show you around sometime.
Kristen: I…I uh, actually just moved from four blocks over.
Ross: Ah.
Kristen: But-but this block is like a whole other world.
Ross: Y’know actually it does have a very interesting history. Uh, this street is the first street in the city to have an underground sewer system. (Kristen crinkles her nose at that.) Before that sewage and waste would just flow right down the street. Yeah, sometimes ankle deep! (He stops when he realizes what he’s talking about.)
Chandler: (To Ross) Smooth.
Kristen: (To Chandler) Excuse me? (Chandler does the shy thing again.)
Ross: Umm, say you’re gonna be starving after all this moving. What do you say I take you to dinner tonight?
Kristen: Oh I’d like that.
Ross: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah.
Ross: Great! Uh, let me take this up for you. (The box he’s holding.)
Kristen: After you.
Ross: Oh no-no, after you. (She grabs a chair and heads upstairs.) (When she’s gone.) Oh my God! (He drops the box and Chandler can’t pick it up.)
[Scene: A Bridal Shop, Phoebe and Rachel are waiting for Monica who is trying on her wedding dress.]
Phoebe: (wearing a veil) Am I crazy or does this totally go?!
(Monica enters from the dressing room wearing her gown.)
Rachel: Oh my God! You look so beautiful!
Phoebe: (To Rachel) Thank you Rachel but, look at Monica!
Monica: This is it. Yeah, this is the one. I can’t believe I found it!
(Another woman walks up.)
The Woman: Wow you look so beautiful! If I knew you, I’d cry.
Monica: Well I’m Monica Geller, ball like a baby.
The Woman: I’m Megan Bailey.
Monica: Have you found your dress yet?
Megan: Oh no, these dresses are all so amazing but there is no way I could afford one.
Monica: No, I can’t afford this either. No. I-I-I’m, I’m just to figure out which one I want then I’m gonna get it at Kleinman’s, this discount place in Brooklyn, day after tomorrow they are having a huge sale.
Megan: Oh, thanks for the tip.
Monica: Yeah! So-so when are you getting married?
Megan: Oh I’m not, I just like to try these on.
Rachel: I do the same thing.
Megan: I’m just kidding. I’m getting married July 25th.
Rachel: I’m just kidding too. (Laughs) I’m getting married in December. (Turns away not happy with herself.)
Megan: (To Monica) So when are you getting married?
Monica: Oh May 15th.
Megan: Oooh it’s getting close!
Monica: Yeah!
Megan: So uh, who’s your photographer?
Monica: Jeffery.
Megan: We met with him. Did he show you the photos of the nude wedding he did?
Monica: The best man? Wow!
Megan: I know! I almost called off my wedding. Oh, who’s your band?!
Monica: Oh, my fiancee wants the Swing Kings.
Megan: Oh, you’re so lucky. My fiancee wants the heavy metal band Carcass.
Phoebe: Ooh, is that spelled with a ‘C’ or a ‘K’? Oh my God! It doesn’t matter; they’re both great!
(Another woman walks past Rachel carrying a wedding dress.)
Rachel: Oh y’know what? Y’know what? Now that you know what you want you should go to Kleinman’s and get it half off. This place is so overpriced.
The Woman: I own this store.
Rachel: So, does this (The dress) come in another color or… (The store owner walks away.)
[Scene: A Street, Joey is walking by Kristen who is still moving in.]
Joey: (checking her out) Hi! You uh, movin’ in or movin’ out?
Kristen: I’m moving in.
Joey: Oh uh, can I give you a hand?
Kristen: Oh okay. But y’know what? Be careful. Because a guy was helping me before had to leave because he hurt his back.
Joey: Boyfriend?
Kristen: No.
Joey: I’m Joey. (They shake hands.)
Kristen: Kristen.
Joey: Oh wow, what a beautiful name! (Pause) What is it again?
Kristen: Kristen.
Joey: Got it! (He picks up a lamp.) So…
Kristen: So uh, do you live around here?
Joey: Yeah! Yeah! Right down there. (Points.) Hey listen; let me give you a little tip. Do not take a nap on this stoop (Points to hers) or you can wake up with your shoes gone.
Kristen: I’ll remember that.
Joey: Okay. Yeah. Listen would you uh, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Kristen: Oh I, I have plans tonight.
Joey: Oh.
Kristen: But how about tomorrow?
Joey: Sounds great! Okay all right, well where does this go? (The lamp he’s holding.)
Kristen: You look strong, why don’t I take that and you grab one of the boxes.
Joey: Okay. Yeah. (She leaves and he goes to pick up a box marked books, but decides to take the box marked pillows instead.) Yeah, I’ll grab this one. (He follows her upstairs.)
[Scene: Kleinman’s, a horde of women including Rachel, Phoebe, and Monica are waiting for the store to open.]
A Woman: What is taking so long?! I mean whatever!
Rachel: (To Phoebe) So this is Brooklyn.
Monica: All right, listen up. There is usually only one dress in each size so when they open those doors, fan out. Now, this is what you’re looking for! (Holds up a picture of it.) Memorize it! When you locate the dress, blow on these. All right? (She passes out whistles to them.) Three short blasts, when you hear it. Come running.
Rachel: Okay.
Phoebe: Got it.
Monica: All right.
(A worker comes to open the door and the horde starts to press forward.)
A Woman: Here he comes! Hurry!
Rachel: Oh they’re pushing! They’re pushing!!
Monica: (To Rachel) Hey! Don’t be a baby!
Rachel: Well I…
(The door opens allowing the horde to charge in, knocking Rachel out of the way and to the ground.)
A Woman: Let’s go!!
Phoebe: (coming back out) Hey! Rachel! Come on!!!!
[Time lapse, inside the store, Monica is frantically looking for her dress.]
Monica: No. No. Not it. Not it. Not it. (Checks another rack and another woman tries to reach around her.) (To the woman) Don’t crowd me! (Finds it) This is it! This is the dress! Oh my God, it’s perfect! (She takes it off of the rack and someone has a hold of it on the other side of the rack and tugs on it.) I’m sorry, this one’s taken! (The other woman tugs harder pulling Monica through the rack.) Whoa!
Monica: Megan!
Megan: Monica!
Monica: You came?!
Megan: Yeah!
Monica: This is my dress!
Megan: No!
Monica: Yes it is! You saw me wearing it!
Megan: And now you’ll see me buying it.
Monica: What? You freak! You wouldn’t even have known about this place if it wasn’t for me!
Megan: Look, you don’t want to fight me.
Monica: Maybe I do! I’m pretty feisty! (She blows the signal.)
[Cut to Phoebe in another part of the store.]
Phoebe: (hearing the signal) I’m coming! I’m coming! (She takes off towards the signal and almost knocks another woman over.)
Woman: Hey!
(She hears another signal in another direction.)
Phoebe: Okay! (Runs that way and hears another whistle blast.) Hey! (Heads the other way and hears another blast.) What do I do?!! (She runs in the second direction and finds that the whistling is coming from inside a rack. She moves the dresses out of the way to find Rachel curled up in a fetal position frantically blowing on the whistle.) What are you doing? (Rachel doesn’t stop.) Did you find the dress? (Rachel won’t stop so Phoebe pinches her nose shut which causes her to spit the whistle out.)
Phoebe: Did you find the dress?
Rachel: No! You gotta get me out of here Phoebe! These bargain shoppers are crazy!
Phoebe: I—We gotta get Monica. (She starts to leave.)
Rachel: No! You gotta hold my hand!!
Phoebe: Oh my God!! (She grabs Rachel’s hand and drags her towards Monica.) Excuse me! Excuse me! (She’s knocking women and veils out of the way as she moves.)
(She gets to Monica who has the dress balled up in one hand and is sitting on Megan who is sprawled out on the floor.)
Monica: (handing Phoebe the dress) Go! Go! Go!
Rachel: (seeing who’s trapped) Hey…
Monica: NOW!!!!!!!! (Rachel runs off and Monica gets up to follow her.)
[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are there.]
Chandler: So Ross, how was your date the other night? Did you tell her about the magical ride that starts with the flush of every toilet?
Ross: Laugh all you want but uh, she actually left me a message saying she’d like to go out again.
Chandler: Huh.
Ross: Yeah in fact, I’m gonna go call her right now. And I’ll make sure to tell her my friend Chandler says… (He mimics the shy reaction Chandler did.)
Joey: (entering) Hey Chandler!
Chandler: Hey!
Joey: Listen, sorry I didn’t stop by last night but I had a date.
Chandler: Uh Joe, when it’s one o’clock in the morning and you don’t come by? That’s okay!
Joey: Well check it out, I was with this really hot girl who just moved in right across the street!
Chandler: Really? Right across the street?
Joey: Yeah!
Chandler: When’d you meet her?
Joey: Two days ago.
Chandler: Excellent! Y’know Ross met somebody too!
Joey: Oh yeah?
Ross: (returning) Hey.
Chandler: Hi! How’d it go?
Ross: Oh great! We’re going out again Saturday. But I just found she’s also seeing some other guy.
Chandler: (sarcastically shocked) Really?! Joe? What would you do if you were in Ross’s situation?
Joey: Well, I sorta am. I mean yeah, I’m dating this girl who’s also seeing another guy. But, I don’t know, I’m not to worried about it.
Ross: Well you shouldn’t be. Believe me I wouldn’t want to be the guy who’s up against you. (Chandler laughs.) I mean that doofus is going to lose!
Chandler: So this is nice! I wish I didn’t have to go, believe me! But unfortunately I have to. (He gets up and Joey moves over next to Ross.) Oh uh, by the way, what’s the name the girl you’re dating?
Joey and Ross: Kristen Lang.
Chandler: Bye! (Exits.)
Commercial Break
[Scene: Central Perk, time lapse from the earlier scene.]
Ross: Well obviously only one of us can keep dating her.
Joey: Obviously! So, how do we decide?
Ross: Well now let’s-let’s look at this objectively, I think I should date her…
Joey: (not buying it) Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Or, or I’m the one who dates her.
Ross: That’s interesting, but check this out. I date her…
Joey: Yeah-yeah I like that but just to go in another direction…
Ross: Okay, okay. This can go on for a while.
Joey: Yeah well we should order some food then.
Ross: No Joey! Look why don’t, why don’t we just let her decide? Okay? Hey-hey, we’ll each go out with her one more time. And-and we’ll see who she likes best.
Joey: (smiling) That sounds fair.
Ross: Maybe I’ll take her to that new French restaurant down the street…
Joey: Ah yeah—wait a second now! Look we’re gonna have to set a spending limit on the date. I don’t have the money to take her to a fancy place like that.
Ross: Well sorry, that’s what I do on dates.
Joey: All right, well I guess I’ll just have to do what I do on dates.
Ross: So let’s decide on the spending limit…
Joey: Yeah. Uh, (thinks)…a slice…(Thinks)…six dollars?
Ross: I was thinking more like a hundred.
Joey: Okay. Can I borrow 94 dollars?
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel are admiring Monica’s wedding dress.]
Monica: Oh…
Phoebe: I know. Hand me a tissue. (Monica hands her one.)
(Rachel goes to the fridge, opens it, and blows on the whistle Monica gave her at the store, which causes Phoebe and Monica to turn around and look at her.)
Rachel: You’re out of Diet Coke.
(The phone rings and Monica answers it as Rachel goes into the bathroom.)
Monica: Hello? (Listens) What?! (Listens) You what?! (Listens) Hey you listen here missy! (Listens) Wh—(She is hung up on.)
Phoebe: What?!
Monica: That was that girl Megan! She booked the Swing Kings on the day of our wedding and said that I couldn’t have them back unless I gave her the dress!
Phoebe: (gasps) Does that mean Carcass is available?
Monica: What am I gonna do?! That is the dress! That is the dress! Wh…Chandler wants the band. What do I do?
Phoebe: Well just figure out a way to talk him out of it.
Monica: How?
(There are three short whistle blasts from the bathroom.)
Rachel: You’re out of toilet paper!
[Scene: Ross's apartment, Ross is getting ready for his date with Kristen.]
Joey: (entering) Hey!
Ross: Hey! What’s up?
Joey: I just wanted to come by and y’know, wish you good luck on your date.
Ross: Oh thanks!
Joey: Yeah. What time are you meeting her?
Ross: We have 8:00 reservations at Grammercy Bistero.
Joey: Wow, that’s in like 20 minutes. You’d better get dressed.
Ross: I am dressed.
Joey: Oh. Well good! (To himself) For me. (He picks up a jar of lotion.) What is this? Did you give yourself a facial?
Ross: I have an oily T-zone!
Joey: Okay dude! (Finds a receit.) Hey you uh, you sent Kristen flowers.
Ross: That’s right.
Joey: You spent a hundred dollars. That’s the limit. You’re screwed!
Ross: Uh actually, I sent the flowers before the actual date. So techincally, technically I didn’t break any rules. Thanks for stopping by though.
Joey: Oh-oh! So that’s the way it’s gonna be huh? Yeah I can break the rules too y’know!
Ross: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?
Joey: I don’t know.
Ross: Why am I not surprised?
Joey: Y’know what Ross? I’m not gonna let you get away with this!
Ross: I don’t think you have much choice.
Joey: Well we’ll see!
Ross: Bye-bye!
Joey: Yeah bye-bye! (Exits and comes back in still holding the lotion.) Hey! So just a light layer?
Ross: Yes. Yes. Just here (Runs his fingers down the bridge of his nose) and there (Runs his fingers across his forehead).
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is entering without touching anything with his hands. Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel are there.]
Chandler: Joey got meat sauce on the banister again! (He goes into the bathroom to wash his hands.)
Phoebe: Yeah, swing music is so out.
Monica: Phoebe, he’s gotta be in the room for that to work.
Chandler: (returning) What are you guys talking about?
Monica: Well umm, we were just talking about the y’know, the Swing Kings and just wondering whether y’know, they were the right way to go.
Rachel: Yeah, I went to a wedding once where they had swing music and uh, two months later the couple got divorced. And now I’m not saying that there’s any connection here y’know, but they did tell me that’s why they got divorced.
Chandler: But I love swing music!
Phoebe: Yeah but the Swing Kings? Y’know they suck so much that people actually die at their concerts—They just stop living.
Chandler: Look all I know is when Monica and I went to see them, we had fun! And there’s another reason too.
Rachel: Well, what is the other reason?
Chandler: I don’t want to say.
Rachel: Well you have to because maybe it’s stupid.
Chandler: Well it’s just while Monica and I were dancing to them it was…the first time I knew that…you were the woman I wanted to dance all my dances with.
Monica: Oh crap!
[Scene: Grammercy Bistero, Ross and Kristen are waiting for their table to be ready. Ross is returning from talking to the matire’d.]
Ross: So they said our table will be ready in just a few minutes.
Kristen: Oh great!
Ross: Yeah.
Kristen: Is your back feeling better?
Ross: Oh yeah it’s fine. I guess the more muscles you have the more they can spasim out of control.
Joey: (entering) Kristen?
Kristen: Joey!
Joey: Hi!
Kristen: Hi! What are you doing here?
Joey: Oh I like this place. And technically, technically I’m not breaking any rules so I…
Kristen: Well uh, Ross? This is Joey. Joey? Ross.
Joey: Hi!
Ross: Hi. (They shake hands.) It’s nice to meet you. I used to have a friend named Joey. I don’t anymore.
Kristen: Our table will be ready in a couple minutes.
Ross: Yeah. So…
Joey: Sure! I would love to wait with you guys! Thanks! (Sits down.)
Ross: So Joey umm, you look familiar. Are uh, are you on TV or something?
Kristen: Well Joey doesn’t like to talk about it but, he’s one of the stars of Days Of Our Lives.
Ross: That’s right! That’s right, don’t you play a woman?
Joey: A woman in a man’s body.
Ross: Much better.
Joey: So y’know Ross it’s funny ‘cause, you look familiar to me too. Have you ever been married?
Ross: Well yes, yes I have. In fact umm, just the other day Kristen and I were talking about how I’ve been married and how I have a son.
Kristen: Yeah, little Eric.
Ross: That’s right! Wait no, Ben.
Joey: So you’ve just married the one time then?
Ross: Well umm…
Kristen: You’ve been married twice?
Ross: Yes. And another time after that. Boy I’m getting hungry! Hey Joey, have you ever been so hungry on a date that when a girl goes to the bathroom you eat some of her food?
Kristen: You said the waiter ate my crab cake.
Joey: (laughs that one off) Yeah. So uh Ross, well now—why did that first marriage breakup? Was it because the woman was straight or she was a lesbian?
Kristen: Do you two know each other?
Joey and Ross: No. No.
Joey: No. It just seems like Ross is the kind of a guy that would marry a woman on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge.
(Kristen is not enjoying this.)
Ross: Wait a minute! Were you on a poster for gonorrhea?
Joey: Have you ever slept in the same bed as a m?!
Ross: Hey you leave Marcel out of this!
Joey: Fine! Have you ever got stuck in a pair of your own leather pants?!
Ross: Hey-hey have you ever locked yourself in a TV cabinet VD boy?!
Joey: M lover!
(They both notice that Kristen has left.)
Joey: When do you think we lost her?
Ross: Probably around gonorrhea.
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is entering.]
Chandler: Hi, honey! I’m home!
Monica: (from the bedroom) Don’t come in here!
Chandler: Why? Do you another boyfriend in there or something?
Monica: No! We only mess around at his place!
Chandler: Y’know it’s funny I started it but, now it’s scary me. So could you come out here please?
Monica: No, I’m wearing a wedding dress.
Chandler: Oh you got a wedding dress? That’s great!
Monica: Yeah but I’m not keeping it.
Chandler: Well then why can’t I see it?
Monica: Oh. I guess you can. Okay but; I-I have to return it, so you can’t like it.
Chandler: Okay I promise. I’ll-I’ll hate it. (She enters.) Wow! You-you look…h(huán)ideous.
Monica: Really?
Chandler: Yeah, that’s like the most ugliest dress I’ve ever seen. Wh-why do you to return it?
Monica: Oh because it doesn’t…really fit. Oh by the way, I-I booked the Swing Kings.
Chandler: Oh that’s great! Great! Thanks! But that dress I mean it’s like yuck! It’s terrible! It makes me wanna just rip it right off of you!
Monica: Okay! But you can’t rip it. Well, maybe a little.
Chandler: Okay!
Ending Credits
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler, Joey, and Ross are watching a basketball game on the couch.]
Monica: (entering) Hey guys! Do you wanna look at the song list for the wedding? (They ignore her.) Guys?
Chandler: (without turning around) I thought you were gonna be gone all day.
Monica: All right? What’s going on?
(They all slowly turn around to reveal that they are giving themselves a facial.)
Monica: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I-I should probably leave you girls alone. (She heads for the bedroom.)
Ross: Yeah, laugh all you want but in ten minutes we’re gonna have younger looking skin!
Joey: Yeah! (Monica goes in the bedroom.) Y’know, she could use a little…(Whistles that she needs to do what they’re doing.) (Something happens on the game.) Oh nice shot!!! (They all cheer.)