The federal government is trying to get every U.S. household to answer some personal questions for the 2020 census. It's part of a once-a-decade tradition of counting every person living in the U.S.
Each national head count comes with its own rash of confusion. The 2020 census is the first in the U.S. since the rise of social media and the first U.S. count that's primarily online. For months, the government has been preparing to combat disinformation campaigns that may try to disrupt the count, which is rolling out not only in the middle of a presidential race but also during the coronavirus pandemic.
NPR has been tracking all of the developments to help you figure out what you need to know. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the census, answered.
Has the coronavirus pandemic delayed the U.S. census?
The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced the Census Bureau to postpone its field operations, but the bureau says it is still collecting information from tens of millions of households.
Why is the census important?
The census is required by the Constitution, which calls for an "actual enumeration" once a decade since 1790. The 2020 population numbers will shape how political power and federal tax dollars are shared in the U.S over the next 10 years. The number of congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets are determined by census numbers.
How is the census taken?
The 2020 count will be the first one to allow all U.S. households to respond online at my2020census.gov. Starting in early April, paper forms are expected to be sent to every household that has been asked to fill out a questionnaire but has not done so, and, for the first time, you can call toll-free numbers to give responses over the phone.
2020年的人口普查將是第一個允許所有美國家庭通過my2020censu .gov進行在線回復(fù)的普查。從4月初開始,紙質(zhì)表格將被發(fā)送到每一個被要求填寫問卷但沒有這樣做的家庭,而且,這是第一次,你可以撥打免費電話來進行電話回復(fù)。
Who gets counted in the census?
The Census Bureau includes every person living in the U.S. — regardless of citizenship or immigration status. International visitors on vacation or work trips to the U.S. during the census are not included. Residents are counted at the address where they usually live and sleep.
What questions will the 2020 census ask?
Most of the questions will be similar to what census forms have asked for in recent counts:
The number of people living or staying in a home on April 1. 2020.
Whether the home is owned with or without a mortgage or loan, rented or occupied without rent.
A phone number for a person in the home.
The name, sex, age, date of birth and race of each person in the home.
Whether each person is of Hispanic, Latino.
The relationship of each person to a central person in the home.
Can I refuse to answer a census question?
You can skip questions, submit an incomplete census form, and still be included in the head count. But you can be fined for refusing to answer a census question or intentionally giving a false answer, although the penalty has rarely been enforced in the past.
Are census responses confidential?
Under current federal law, the bureau cannot share census responses identifying individuals with the public or other federal agencies, including immigration authorities and other law enforcement, until 72 years after the information is collected. The Census Bureau, however, can release anonymized census information about specific demographic groups at a level as detailed as a neighborhood.