1. It's powerful.
"It is the biggest, most powerful telescope ever to be put in space. There are big telescopes on the ground but nothing of this nature and complexity in space. Hands down, it's the most powerful thing out there." The Webb is the successor to Hubble, and it's 100 times more powerful. Webb also has a much bigger mirror than Hubble, explains the Webb telescope site: "This larger light-collecting area means that Webb can peer farther back into time than Hubble is capable of doing. Hubble is in a very close orbit around the earth, while Webb will be 1.5 million kilometers away."
2. It's a time machine of sorts.
"Hubble, when pushed to its maximum, could see galaxies that were teenagers in terms of age. We want to see babies," Bullock says. "With the Webb, we will be able to see back in time to the earliest objects in the universe for the first time. Also for the first time, we will be able to characterize other planets going around other stars, distant exoplanets, and see if there are oceans, an atmosphere, what chemical elements are there."
3. It will help us map the universe.
"The Webb telescope won't be able to decisively say there's definitely life on a planet or not, but it begins to map out that space and say, 'That may be an ocean there,' which gives us a road map to probe further and really investigate." Webb will peer into the universe in the infrared, which is important because newly forming stars and planets are hidden behind dust that absorbs visible light — but infrared light can penetrate that dust.
4. And it may help us find the next Earth.
"We're planning to investigate the nature of dark energy in the universe, and understand the nature of these very old objects. And characterizing planets around other suns puts us on the path to finding out if there’s another Earth out there." The Webb will also assist in the hunt for exoplanets, something that Hubble does but was not designed for, according to Space.com.
5. It's a technological coup.
"It has the potential to fundamentally rewrite our textbooks because of how dramatically it will increase our view of the cosmos," Bullock says. "We will be able to get a much better grasp of the universe we live in. Technology-wise, we are already seeing the implications."