The animal first made an appearance in the US inthe 1980s and has come and gone since then. It hasalso been spotted in the Cheasapeake Bay over theyears.
While the population has gone down substantially, scientists are now raising concerns theremay still be some lurking in the waters.
The crab is known to disrupt ecosystems and eat fish eggs, proving to be a threat to othercrab species.
With its distinct claws that appear to be furry or covered in algae and a light brown or olivegreen body, they can grow up to 10 cm wide. The animals can also be found in both freshwaterand saltwater.
Anyone who spots one should not throw it back into the water, but put it on ice or freeze it, take photos and note the location where it was found, officials say. All sightings should besubmitted to the Mitten Crab website.