The cryptocurrency fell as much as 9.7 per cent in morning trading hours in Asia, touching an intraday low of $6,206, its lowest since November 15, according to Reuters data tracking pricing on the Bitstamp exchange.
Bitcoin was trading at $6,268 at 03.50 GMT, down almost 70 per cent from the record high of $19,666 in mid-December.
The slide comes after UK banks are considering banning customers from buying cryptocurrencies using their credit cards after Lloyds Banking Group and Virgin Money said they had imposed a ban.
英國的銀行正考慮禁止客戶使用信用卡購買加密貨幣。此前,勞埃德銀行集團(tuán)(Lloyds Banking Group)和維珍理財(Virgin Money)稱它們已經(jīng)實施了類似禁令。
South Korea’s spy agency told a parliamentary committee that North Korean hackers were possibly behind a hack of a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck last month that stole $520m.