沃倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)有一次發(fā)表這樣的見解:“當一個以優(yōu)秀著稱的管理層接手一個以基本面糟糕聞名的企業(yè)時,往往是后者的聲譽會保留下來。”那么,當一位有著圣人美譽的投資者接手一項不神圣的任務時會怎樣呢?
One answer was given this week by Kraft Heinz, in which Mr Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is a leading investor. It withdrew a $143bn attempt to take over Unilever amid hostility to its relentless approach to cutting costs and jobs. Mr Buffett, who sits on Kraft Heinz’s board, clearly wanted his reputation for saintliness to remain intact.
上周卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)給出了一個答案,巴菲特旗下的伯克希爾哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)是該公司的領先投資者??ǚ蚝嗍戏艞壛艘?430億美元收購聯(lián)合利華(Unilever)的計劃,這件事的背景是卡夫亨氏無情削減成本和裁員的戰(zhàn)略引發(fā)敵意。在卡夫亨氏董事會擁有一席的巴菲特,顯然希望他的圣人名譽保留下來。
Paul Polman, Unilever’s Dutch chief executive, runs the multinational as an exemplar of sustainability and stakeholder capitalism rather than the pure shareholder variety, and the abortive bid pitched two of Mr Buffett’s instincts against each other. One is to invest in processed food and drink companies such as Coca-Cola and Kraft Heinz with reliable global brands; the other is to be liked.
聯(lián)合利華的荷蘭籍首席執(zhí)行官保羅•波爾曼(Paul Polman)執(zhí)掌這家跨國公司的方式,堪稱可持續(xù)性和利益相關者資本主義的典范(而非純粹的股東資本主義),而這筆流產的收購讓巴菲特的兩種本能發(fā)生矛盾:一是投資于有著可靠全球品牌的加工食品和飲料公司,例如可口可樂(Coca-Cola)和卡夫亨氏;二是招人喜歡。
The latter does not bother Jorge Paulo Lemann, the Brazilian billionaire whose 3G Capital private equity firm is cutting through the food and drink industry. As growth has slowed nearly to a halt thanks to price deflation and competition from makers of healthier fare, 3G has reacted by rolling up consumer groups and slashing budgets.
后面一點不影響巴西億萬富翁若熱•保羅•雷曼(Jorge Paulo Lemann),他的私人股本公司3G資本(3G Capital)正馳騁于食品和飲料行業(yè)。隨著價格通縮以及更健康食品生產商的競爭導致行業(yè)增速幾乎停滯,3G資本的反應是收購消費品集團并大幅削減預算。
It troubles Mr Buffett and so it should, for it strikes at the heart of how he built his company, and his unique investment record. “At Berkshire, we only go where we are welcome,” he promised in his 2015 letter to shareholders in a defensive passage about how he works with 3G despite their conflicting methods. If nothing else, it displayed the tension in his own mind.
It was once easier to be nice. Although Berkshire Hathaway has made much of its money in insurance, Mr Buffett was happiest investing in consumer brands, particularly in the US, with a “moat” to protect them: they were less vulnerable to competition because people always needed to eat, drink and buy household products, and instinctively turned to familiar names.
A quarter century ago, his biggest non-financial investments — the “sainted seven” — were brands that included See’s Candies and Nebraska Furniture Mart. The sweet spot emerged in the 1980s as US companies started to go global. In his 1989 shareholder letter, he noted that overseas sales of Coca-Cola, in which he had just raised his stake, were “virtually exploding”.
25年前,他的最大幾筆非金融投資——被稱為“七圣徒”(sainted seven)——包括時思糖果(See’s Candies)和內布拉斯加家具賣場(Nebraska Furniture Mart)等品牌。上世紀80年代出現(xiàn)了特別有利的時機,當時美國企業(yè)開始走向全球。在巴菲特1989年的致股東信中,他指出可口可樂(他剛剛增持了該公司的股份)的海外銷售“幾乎是在爆炸性增長”。
Mr Buffett embodies his belief in food brands. He drinks several cans of Coke a day, often accompanied by potato sticks made by Utz, a Pennsylvania company he has discussed buying, and picks up breakfast from McDonald’s on his drive to work. He ingests as he invests.
He used to enjoy another advantage: owning strong brands in growing markets meant that he could leave the executives who ran them alone, rather than ripping up their way of operating. “Our role is simply to create an environment in which these CEOs . . . can maximise both their managerial effectiveness and the pleasure they derive from their jobs,” he wrote last year.
But the food and drink business has developed in ways that makes such cosiness impossible to sustain. Companies such as Unilever and Nestlé are larger and more global — collections of billion-dollar brands rather than owners of one or two. They are run by a global cadre: the top two executives at Kraft Heinz hail from Brazil.
The industry has also stopped growing. The international acceleration has given way to falling sales at some companies and lacklustre expansion at others. Nestlé last week announced a “time out” from annual organic sales growth target of between 5 and 6 per cent. Even before Kraft Heinz’s bid, Mr Polman had adopted 3G’s cost-cutting mantra at Unilever.
Hence Mr Buffett’s hesitation. His investments alongside 3G Capital first in Heinz and then Kraft have been highly profitable but sit uncomfortably with his preference for maximising happiness. Kraft Heinz has shed 13,000 jobs since the companies merged two years ago — as Mr Buffett says, 3G specialises in “eliminating many unnecessary costs . . . very promptly”.
The Unilever bid has confronted him with a choice. He either has to behave with naked aggression in the industry he knows best or find other outlets for Berkshire’s capital. I doubt whether he could change personality at the age of 86 even if he wanted to, so he must amend his investment strategy.
He is doing so. Berkshire holds 9 per cent of Coca-Cola but it has shed investments in Procter & Gamble and Walmart, and the “sainted seven” consumer companies have been overtaken in importance by a “powerhouse five” of industrial holdings. They include BNSF, the US railroad group that he acquired in 2009, and Lubrizol, which produces speciality chemicals.
他正在這么做。伯克希爾哈撒韋仍持有可口可樂9%股權,但它減持了寶潔(Procter & Gamble)和沃爾瑪(Walmart)的股權,如今工業(yè)企業(yè)“五大金剛”的重要性取代了“七圣徒”消費品公司。這“五大金剛”包括巴菲特于2009年收購的美國鐵路運營商北伯林頓鐵路公司(BNSF)和特種化學品制造商路博潤(Lubrizol)。
Neither makes tasty snacks but both meet his aim of investing in “large businesses that satisfy basic needs and desires”. They are also growing profitably without the need to slash costs and jobs. The food and drink industry used to be like that but it is no longer sweet enough for Mr Buffett.
john.gapper@ft.com 譯者/梁艷裳