Eric Schmidt, the chairman of the board andchairman of Google's parent company, Alphabet, saidhe expects everyone to stay on to serve underretired General James Mattis, if the board is invited to continue its work.
“No one has told me they are leaving,” Schmidt told reporters at the Pentagon Monday after afirst board meeting since the presidential election.
Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson told reporters the board is there to serve thecountry, not one particular administration.
The Defense Innovation Board was created by Defense Secretary Ash Carter in April 2016 toincorporate some of the technological innovations and practices of Silicon Valley into themilitary.
The board voted Monday to approve 11 recommendations for the Department of Defense,including appointing a new chief innovation officer, establishing a career track for computerscientists in the military, and assessing cyber security vulnerabilities of advanced weapons.