At present no such facility exists, even though tensof thousands of climbers visit the mountain everyyear.
There are, however, better provisions on theNepalese side of the mountain, and so mostexpeditions currently start from there.
The journey to the Nepalese base camp is perilous. It involves landing on an airstrip (which isalso a road) at the end of which is a cliff face.
This makes it impossible to 'go around' - so if the pilot makes a mistake on the approach, norecovery is possible. For this reason, pilots must be very experienced and specially trained forlanding.
The new facility will undoubtedly encourage more tourists to attempt the climb from theChinese side and will avoid the need to make that dangerous journey.
When completed in 2019, the centre in Gangkar will include access for emergency helicopters, amedical centre, shops, a hotel, and a museum.