The top legislature on Monday adopted a law on the film industry, promising harsh punishment for firms that fabricate box office earnings, data or information.
Film distributors and theaters will have all their illegal earnings confiscated and be fined upward of 500,000 yuan (about 73,800 U.S. dollars) if they falsify ticket sales data, according to the law.
If their illegal earnings exceed 500,000 yuan, the fine will be up to five times their illegitimate earnings.
此次通過的《電影產業(yè)促進法》減少了審批項目(reduce number of items for approval)、降低了準入門檻(lower the threshold to the film industry),取消了電影制片單位審批、攝制電影片(單片)許可證審批等行政審批的項目。
1. 未經權利人許可,任何人不得對正在放映的電影進行錄音錄像(sound or video recording of the film without authorization is prohibited)。發(fā)現進行錄音錄像的,電影院工作人員有權予以制止,并要求其刪除;對拒不聽從的,有權要求其離場。
2. 電影發(fā)行企業(yè)、電影院等應當如實統(tǒng)計電影銷售收入,提供真實準確的統(tǒng)計數據(Film distributors and theaters should provide authentic and accurate ticket sales data),不得采取制造虛假交易、虛報瞞報銷售收入等不正當手段,欺騙、誤導觀眾,擾亂電影市場秩序。
3. 攝制電影的法人、其他組織應當將取得的電影公映許可證標識置于電影的片頭處;電影放映可能引起未成年人等觀眾身體或者心理不適的,應當予以提示(There should be warning prior to the film if the content may cause physical or psychological disconfort among minors)。
4. 演員、導演等電影從業(yè)人員應當堅持德藝雙馨,遵守法律法規(guī),尊重社會公德,恪守職業(yè)道德,加強自律,樹立良好社會形象(Personnel in the film industry should pursue both professional excellence and moral integrity, abiding by laws and regulations and building good public images)。