Prof Simon Kay led the operation at the UK’s centre for hand transplants. Mr King is the second person to have a hand transplant at Leeds, but the first to have both hands replaced. He said: “I couldn’t wish for anything better. It’s better than a lottery win because you feel whole again.”
Mr King said the operation, which took place in the past few days, appeared to have been a complete success. “They look absolutely tremendous,” he said. “They’re my hands. They really are my hands. My blood’s going through them. My tendons are attached. They’re mine. They really are.”
Mr King said he couldn’t wait to take the bandages off to look at them properly. And he said he was really looking forward to holding a bottle of beer and wearing shirts with proper buttons again.
“It was just like the hands were made to measure. They absolutely fit,” he said. He says he remembers the accident perfectly but said there was no pain and no trauma. Mr King’s passion is cycling and he said he was now itching to ride properly again and start doing simple things, such as gardening and using his ride-on mower.
After his accident, Mr King was introduced by Prof Kay to Mark Cahill - the first person to have a hand transplant in the UK, in 2012. He said Mr Cahill encouraged him to have the operation and they’re now good friends, he said. “We’ll shake hands one day. It’s wonderful stuff.”
The team at Leeds General Infirmary is hoping to perform between two and four hand transplant operations a year and there are currently four people on the waiting list. Mr King encouraged more people to pledge to donate their hands.