Total profits realised at China’s state-owned enterprises fell 13.8 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter to Rmb432bn, according to new figures released today by the Ministry of Finance that showed the rate of profit decline at state firms nationwide steeper in the first quarter compared to an annual fall of 6.7 per cent in 2015. Total operating revenue at state firms also fell 3 per cent year on year to Rmb9.95tn.
The ministry noted the petrochemicals and pharmaceutical industries had seen comparatively large profit gains, but acknowledged that petroleum, coal, steel and nonferrous metals industries had all sustained losses in the first quarter.
Performance also differed between local and central government enterprises. Operating revenue at firms owned and administered directly by the central government fell at a quicker clip of 4.6 per cent per cent year-on-year to Rmb6.14tn, while profits realised were down 13.2 per cent compared to the same period a year earlier.
State enterprises under the control of China’s localities – which last year saw bond issuance sky-rocket under a debt swap program – experienced a less severe drop in operating revenue in the first quarter to Rmb3.8tn, down only 0.1 per cent year-on-year. But profits realised by local government-owned enterprises fell far more sharply, down 15.8 per cent to Rmb92.4bn.