The democratisation of finance comes in many forms. A notable one is the use of “peer-to-peer” and direct lending platforms to bypass costly intermediaries. These link borrowers andlenders in cost efficient ways. and are among the changes that are reshaping interactions andempowering individuals. Driven by the digital revolution, the y encourage entrants withgreater cognitive diversity, including a tilt in favour of technological disruption.
No wonder more tech entrepreneurs are taking an interest in the financial sector, which criesout for disruption given its slow adoption of technologies, its profitability, and the difficulties ithas had in enabling superior client outcomes. Outside forces also play a role. Banks still face atrust deficit. Regulators, prompted by consumer protection approaches, favour the delivery offinancial services that are better aligned with client success.
The upside is considerable; and it is powerful when it comes to delivering better financialservices to vulnerable segments of the population. Lowering entry barriers widens thesources and uses of loanable funds; and by reducing costs, improves the terms offered tousers. The influx of greater cognitive diversity makes the industry more dynamic.Institutions that choose to align their products and services with their client’s success becomebetter positioned for commercial gain.
Through the incorporation of behavioural finance and data analytics, the disruptive forces alsohelp to wean the industry off its obsession with FICO scores in favour of analytical modelsmore calibrated with financial health. Though these models have yet to be tested through adownturn, more complete pictures of financial mindset and behaviour are emerging.
The disruptions will be embraced by the more progressive institutions but opposed by manytraditional incumbents. They require regulatory catch-up. Finance will be following a pathalready trodden by technology and media. In both cases, technological change has madeactivities more accessible to broader segments of society. Like these predecessors, the key willbe the success that participants have in combining content with platforms.
If finance breaks the content-platform code, the “win-win-win” of financial democratisation willaccrue to consumers, the innovative providers, and a system that can deliver better services.
If it fails to do so, the developments will be contained to the outer edges of an industry thatstruggles to regain its credibility and contributions to growth.
The writer is chief economic adviser to Allianz. He recently took an equity stake in Payoff, a USpeer-to-peer lender.