Love of American Style 美式愛情
An old song says that“love makes the world go around”.If you watch Americans on Valentine's Day,you can believe it.The whole country breaks out with little red hearts.Love-struck people give cards,flowers and candy to their sweethearts.You might call it an annual celebration of love.
Americans are romantic all year long,but especially on February 14.Valentine's Day gives people an excuse to ask someone they admire to“be their valentine”.
The American concept of love and romance begins with dating.Young people date in several ways.At first they might have group dates with several boys and girls together.Later,they start going on single dates - just one boy and one girl.Sometimes a boy and a girl will go to a movie.Maybe they will go to a party at a friend's house.Or they might go out to eat.
When two couples go out together,we call it double dating.A friend might even arrange a blind date for you with someone you don't know.That doesn't mean you keep your eyes closed the whole evening!You just don't know who your partner will be until the time for the date.If someone asks you for any kind of date,and you don't want to go,you may politely say,“No,thanks.”
當有兩對一起出去時,我們稱之為“兩對式約會”,甚至朋友也會安排你不認識的人幫你相親。所謂相親(blind date)并不是指讓你整晚都把眼睛蒙起來,而是一直要等到約會那天你才知道對象是誰。如果有人以任何一種方式約你,但你不想去,你只管禮貌地說:“謝謝你,我不去。”
Americans view dating differently from people in other cultures.American young people see a date as a time just to have fun.They don't always have a romantic interest in mind.Someone may go out with one person this week,and another person the next.After a while,a boy and a girl may decide they want to“go steady ”.This means they think of each other as“boyfriend and girlfriend”.It also means they don't want to date anyone else.Romance is beginning to bloom .
Romantic love is very much a part of American culture.Movies,TV shows and books in America all picture people falling in love.Americans know that no romance is perfect,but still they try to find the ideal person.Actually,love isa part of every culture,not just American culture.People all over the world search for happiness in a loving relationship.
Maybe love does make the world go around.