Members of the French aristocracy first adopted the “bigger is better” hair trend, which quickly made its way to England. The complexity of the styles showed that the wearer had both the leisure-time to devote to her hair, and most often the wealth to employ a professional hairdresser or accomplished lady’s maid to achieve it.
The first step toward ensuring their updos would stay, well, up, was to start with semi-dirty hair. A substance called pomatum, generally made at home by combining an animal fat and fragrant herbs or oils, was applied to the hair, followed by a dusting of powder. Hair was then brushed to ensure the powder and pomatum were evenly distributed.
Think of the pomatum as a rich, deep conditioner applied as a kind of scalp massage, followed by the powder as a dry shampoo. This was a process women repeated nearly every night.
More powder was added after "cleansing" to achieve the era’s coveted hue (dusty white—so chic). Hair was then wrapped around hand-sewn pillows ("rollers" and "cushions") placed on top of the head. Once the desired height was achieved, a lady could make it look even more fashionable by adding fake curls or braids, or by dressing it up with ribbons and flowers.