Such microblog posts originated from a proposal bya well-known Chinese otolaryngological expert andprofessor Zhang Quan'an on protecting children fromthe harm caused by smog, at the local Two Sessionsof Shaanxi province.
Zhang said in his proposal that children can develop a "smog face" and coryza, caused byharmful particles in the air, which can also result in a shortage of oxygen supply to the brain.
He told voc.com.cn the claim that smog can make children look uglier sounds exaggeratedbut has theoretical support.
When children get coryza due to an irritation of the nose caused by harmful particles in smog,their nose gets blocked and they have to use their mouths to breathe, and this could adverselyaffect facial development over time and develop a short thick upturned upperlip and anirregular row of teeth, Zhang explained.
Children whose brains are still developing may experience retarded development as a result ofbreathing disorders at night.
Zhang said he was researching the safest way for children to wear masks, as these are so farthe most effective means to protect wearers from the potential harm caused by smog.