However, one thing that everyone gets - and the Krampus can’t take away - is holiday. Everysingle country in Europe has at least one statutory day off in the period between 15 Decemberand 15 January. This includes the majority Islamic countries such as Turkey.
Who gets the most though?
The majority of countries in Europe are Christian, whether that is Catholic, Protestant or Orthodoxand bearing that in mind there are four key dates to look for:
25 December - Catholic/Protestant Christmas Day, which is the purported anniversary of thebirth of Christ
New Year’s Day - in terms of the Gregorian calendar, which every single country gets as a holiday
6 January - Epiphany, when Jesus was supposed to have appeared to the Magi (or three wisemen)
7 January - Russian Orthodox Christmas Day
Around that there are several eves and and saints’ days but those four are the bedrock of theholiday season. There are secular days too, usually related to revolutions or new declarations ofstatehood that happened to fall in this time of year.
Russia, the home of the eastern Orthodox church, has the most days off over the Christmasperiod of any European country. Every day between New Year and the day after RussianOrthodox Christmas is a holiday, giving them eight off in total.
Closely following the Russians with seven are Armenia and Liechtenstein. The latter country getsChristmas Eve through to Boxing Day off as well as the two days either side of the New Year. Forgood measure, they also get Epiphany off - let’s call this the total Christmas holiday package.
Most western European countries get a similar settlement - Christmas Day, Boxing Day (or St.Stephen’s Day) and New Year’s Day with the overtly Catholic ones getting Epiphany too.
However, the number of days off sometimes varies by the region you are in. For example, inGermany only Bavaria, Badem-Wittenburg and Saxony-Anhalt get Epiphany as a holiday. Similararrangements exist in Spain, France and Switzerland.
It is also the case in the UK, where Scotland gets an extra day off on 2 January, which isconsiderably more kind to the hungover.
Looking at the worldwide picture then the US and Canada fare pretty badly, with only two nationalstatutory holidays apiece. This is the same number of days as Japan, which does not haveChristmas as a day off but does for some reason celebrate the day by eating fried chicken.