王昭君比起西施更有過之而無不及。身為宮女的她能以大局為上,忍辱負重,請纓出塞,背井離鄉(xiāng)去一個遙遠而未知的地方,以一個柔弱女子的雙肩去承載兩個民族的和平大業(yè),而且的確又神奇地達到了“不戰(zhàn)而屈人之兵”的奇妙效果。想想,其實王昭君不過是千千萬萬民女中選秀而來的宮女,天資美麗自不在話下,但詩家之所謂“儀態(tài)由來畫不成,當(dāng)時枉殺毛延壽”,稍加分析就知道此譽有拔高之嫌。后人之言她氣質(zhì)、韻味無可比擬,大抵還是因為她在政治舞臺上扮演了特殊角色和立下不朽功勞。 Compared with Xishi, Wang Zhaojun is a beauty, who went to a strange country for the peace of the two nations. Also, her arrival to the other country did save the two nations from the war. Nowadays, people often refer her to a perfect beauty, it is to some extent due to her contribition to the politics. |