An oyster that was very proud was talking with a fish.“Let's be friends and we can look after each other whenever the fisherman's net comes along,”the fish suggested.
The proud oyster replied,“I have a strong shell and I feel safe when I close my shell, for no harm can happen to me.”
“But when you close your shell, you may not know what is happening.”answered the fish.
Still the oyster boasted that he was perfectly safe and he needs no friends to warn him.
Suddenly, there was a great splashing sound and the oyster closed his shell and very quickly kept quiet.
“What could the splashing have been?Was it a net, and was the fish caught?”the oyster wondered. When at last the oyster opened his shell, he found himself in a strange place.
“Where am I?”He looked for the fish but it was no longer around.
Sadly, the oyster found he was at a fishmonger's staII. A ticket on his back marked,“For Sale!”