Water plays a special role in the body: Participating in the formation of cells and organ organs, as well as maintaining normal activities in the body ... Dehydration of the body will cause many consequences.
Most of the human body is water. Water has a special role to the body: Participates in the formation of cells and organs, as well as maintains normal activities in the body. In the body, water is also a solvent for biological systems
When our body loses 10% of water, we fall into a pathological state, losing 20-25% of our water can die, and when losing this amount of liquid with the amount of 1% of body weight is considered is dehydration. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the following warning signs to promptly replenish water.
Signs 1: Thirst
When you feel thirsty, it means you have lost a lot of water. Some body functions will be limited. This condition can cause headaches, anxiety, bad breath ...
Usually, mild dehydration due to a strict diet, excessive consumption of coffee or tea, hot weather or in a stuffy room ... Drinking plenty of water is necessary to eliminate symptoms. this. As a precaution, you should drink at least one and a half liters of water each day.
Signs 2: Dry mouth
Dehydration will dry out the mucosa of the oral cavity. This is especially affected by alcohol drinkers: the feeling of hangover accompanied by dehydration. Therefore, it is important not to abuse alcohol and drink enough water.
Signs 3: Dry skin
Dehydration causes the skin to become drier with symptoms such as: Skin peeling, feeling tight, cracked, even bloody in deep chapped areas. It is important to distinguish between naturally dry and dehydrated skin. You can fix the problem through cosmetics, as well as drink it in full.
Signs 4: Fatigue
Feeling weak, tired, nauseous, dizzy - these are the main signs of severe dehydration. Especially this often happens to the professional runners, lazy office workers drinking water. The following symptoms may also form: Dark circles under the eyes, trembling hands, irritability, aggressiveness and discoloration of the face. Enough water compensation will solve the problem.
Signs 5: Itchy eyes
A fairly specific symptom is a feeling of dryness, itchy eyes and no tears. This can lead to impaired vision system and will be particularly dangerous for contact lens wearers. Good materials absorb tear film on the surface of the cornea, which increases the risk of damage to the visual organ. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water immediately.