Eating too much is the most common eating disorder in adults. This disorder can have serious health and mental consequences.
Intuitively eating - eating when hungry and stopping when full - is too simple? In theory, yes, but the temptation is always everywhere, especially on holidays. It doesn't matter if only occasionally pampering me, but doing it too often?
What happens to the body when eating too much?
When you eat too much, your digestive system is overloaded, leading to frequent bowel movements and even diarrhea. Eat slowly and chew carefully to avoid craving excessively. If you have diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids to make up for lost water.
It feels hot in the middle of summer
If you eat more than usual, your metabolism will be disrupted. Your heart rate will increase and you will sweat like you are sitting in a sauna. You cannot stop this situation, but it will end on its own after the metabolism is complete.
When swallowing food, you swallow part of the air. The more you eat, the greater the amount of gas entering your digestive tract, especially if you eat and drink carbonated water. The body also produces gas when it digests food. Therefore, if the amount of gas in the digestive system does not escape, you will be bloated.
If you eat too much, your body will be restless and you will lose sleep. Eating too much will disturb the circadian clock by stimulating the body to produce hormones. Moreover, if your food is rich in carbs, even if you sleep on time, you are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night from hunger, when your blood sugar drops.
Dizziness is also a side effect of eating too much. To digest food, the metabolism will be accelerated and the heart rate will also increase. To reduce the feeling of lightheadedness, drink plenty of water and rest until the feeling of lightheadedness subsides.
Anxiety, irritability and difficulty concentrating
Feelings of anxiety, frustration, and difficulty concentrating when doing something after a full meal are signs that your body is working hard to process all the food you have eaten.
When you eat too much, your body releases the hormone insulin to store excess sugar for periods of low blood sugar, or for times when the body needs more energy. This storage causes a sharp drop in blood sugar at the time of eating, making you feel uncomfortable.