If you're having a hard time falling asleep, that sleep tracker on your wrist might be to blame.
It's "when you just really become fixated on having this perfect sleep via tracker," said Seema Khosla, medical director at the North Dakota Center for Sleep. "And then you start worrying about it, and you wind up giving yourself insomnia."
Sleep trackers have become increasingly popular. They come in the form of watches, wristbands, rings and even mattresses.
The gadgets measure how you breathe, how fast your heart is beating, how much you're tossing and turning. They crunch that data to produce a sleep score, usually through a smartphone app.
But in an irony of our digital lifestyles, for some people, perfecting that sleep score becomes an end unto itself — so much so that they can lose sleep over it.
Khosla sees this is her own practice as a sleep doctor. Stressed-out patients complain they are aiming for a sleep score of 100 but are getting only 80. It keeps them up at night.
She has a simple solution.
"I'll ask them just to put their tracker away for a couple of weeks. And honestly, sometimes you can just see the relief on their faces," she said.
Kathrin Hamm experienced this problem firsthand.
She was traveling around the world as an economist for the World Bank, and getting good sleep was a priority.
"Basically, if I wasn't on a plane, I was on the road kind of around in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan," she said. "I've never been a good sleeper. ... But during that time, I really had developed insomnia and some serious sleep issues."
Tracking her sleep made things worse.
"I actually realized that I'm even more stressed out to see kind of like in writing ... that I'm not sleeping well," she said. "Instead of addressing the root cause, I was more concerned about [continuing] measuring, measuring."
Hamm tried other solutions, including noise machines, expensive pillows and mattresses. But nothing worked.
Her problem is one that millions of people can relate to. A third of Americans say they don't get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Not getting enough rest is unhealthy. It increases the risk of conditions from depression to heart disease.
Sleep doctors blame technology in part for bad sleep habits — particularly the smartphones that keep us constantly connected and stimulated.
Khosla calls this problem "social jet lag."
Like jet lag from travel, social jet lag occurs when we interrupt our bodies' internal clocks.
"We are just on our phones too long," Khosla said. "We are not getting enough sleep or not prioritizing sleep or staying up late because of work demands or parenting or whatever demand."