Have you ever had a memory, but you aren't sure whether you dreamed it or read it or saw it in a movie? Have you ever had a day that changed life as you knew it, but no one ever spoke about it again?
For me, that day started early on a Sunday morning in June 2005. I had just turned 12.
Half-asleep, I heard footsteps surround the corners of my bed.
My mother's voice flooded in from the doorway. "Please," she said. "Let me wake her."
But it was a stranger's hand that shook me awake. He had one hand on a gun strapped to his waist and the other wrapped tightly around my arm. He was dressed from head to toe in what looked like black SWAT gear. I don't remember much about his face.
"Get up and go downstairs," the man said. He was not alone. There were at least six other men, all dressed in black.
My mother, younger brother and I were marched down our pink carpeted staircase. The men trailed close behind.
They moved throughout our house almost soundlessly. When they spoke, it was to give orders.
"Sit down," one of them said, motioning to the cream-colored couch in the living room. It was the only piece of furniture we had purchased since moving in a few weeks before.
My father was already sitting, wearing boxers and a ragged T-shirt. I tried to meet his eye, hoping he would make a joke, be his usual, reassuring self. But that morning he said nothing — didn't look at any of us. When I sat down next to him, I noticed he was wearing handcuffs.
The shades in the living room hadn't been installed yet, so the morning sun glared in our eyes. I remember realizing, as I looked out on the street, that anyone could see inside. I prayed one of our neighbors would walk by, just to witness what was happening. But no one seemed to be walking their dog or grabbing the mail.
I felt like screaming for help, but I didn't. None of us did. We simply watched as the men rummaged through our drawers and flipped through our photo albums. They used the VCR in my parents' room to watch our home videos. The sounds of old birthdays, family ski trips and Persian New Year's echoed throughout our mostly empty house.
Eventually, one of the black-clad men asked my mom to take me and my brother out of the house. He said they wanted to speak to my dad alone.
"Where do you want me to take them?" my mom asked.
"I don't care," he responded.
“你想讓我把它們帶到哪里去?”媽媽問。 “我不在乎,”他回答。
So we went where many people in our town went when not much was open: Denny's. We sat in a faux-leather booth, the song "Send Me On My Way" from my favorite movie, Matilda, played throughout the half-empty restaurant. I stared at pancakes while my mom tried to fill the silence.
"Are you excited for camp this week?" she asked. I looked at my brother. He didn't look up from his Game Boy.
It felt like hours had passed when a private number called my mom's phone. "You can come back," a man said. Then he hung up.
When we returned, the black cars were gone. Inside, my dad sat in the same position that we had left him in — staring at the bare wall. His hands were by his sides.
This dream is very real, I seem to see the shadow of the future.