The year 2020 is expected to provide an amazing array of skywatching opportunities, as MNN's Michael d'Estries made clear. Nearly every night of the year, the sky provides a celestial spectacle worth staying up for, but it helps to focus on the highlights.
The Milky Way's Galactic Center in the night sky above Paranal Observatory. (Photo: ESO)
Below are a handful of worth-the-effort stargazing opportunities you can catch this month.
Quadrantids meteor shower
A Quadrantid meteor lights up the sky above New Mexico. (Photo: Mike Lewinski [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
The Quadrantids, an annual meteor shower producing upwards of 100 shooting stars an hour, peaked at the beginning of the month. The shower is the result of Earth passing through a debris field created by a fractured comet some 500 years ago.
Wolf Moon eclipse (Jan. 10-11)
The beginning of the super blood wolf moon eclipse from Jan. 20, 2019. (Photo: RobDun/Shutterstock)
The Wolf Moon eclipse on Jan. 10 is the first of many full moons this year and it's also the first of several penumbral lunar eclipses. A penumbral eclipse is when the Earth’s lighter outer shadow (penumbra) covers the moon, so it's more subtle. The eclipse will occur during the full moon phase. These two events combined mean the moon will appear slightly darker than usual.
Those living in Australia, Asia, Africa, Northern Europe, northern Canada and Alaska can expect the best visibility of the eclipse. For people in most of North and South America, it will be almost impossible to see because the full moon will hit its peak around 2:21 p.m. EST — in the middle of the day. No worries though, as plenty of penumbral eclipse opportunities are set to happen this year, with the next occurring on June 5.
Venus grows brighter in the night sky
The planet of Venus as captured in visible light. Carl Sagan first posed a question about what could survive in the clouds of Venus, which have more favorable conditions than the surface of the planet. (Photo: NASA)
The Earth's celestial neighbor is set to grow brighter as we progress into the month. Venus will be easy to spot in the western sky from now until May. But this month the planet named after the goddess of love and beauty will be bright enough to see with the naked eye, say the experts at EarthSky. Venus peeks out after sunset for between two and three hours a night throughout the month.
On Jan. 27, you can use the brightness of Venus as a starting point to see Neptune with a telescope. Once you locate Venus — which will be bright and visible — direct the telescope down and a bit to the right. You should see what looks like a dim blue star. In addition, you can use the young waxing crescent moon on the 27th and 28th as a guide to see Mercury. What a bevy of planets to find in this exciting celestial month!