The shells lie open at the bottom of the river, shimmering in the refracted sunlight. Their insides, pearl white and picked clean of flesh, flicker against the dark riverbed like a beacon, alerting the world above to a problem below.
"That's what we look for in die-offs," says biologist Jordan Richard, standing knee-deep in the slow-flowing waters of the Clinch River in southwest Virginia. He points at a faint shape submerged about 10 feet upstream. "I can tell from here that's a shell, it's dead and it died recently. The algae development is really light."
In recent years, though, biologists and fishermen noticed something was wrong. On sections of the Clinch and other waterways in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest, dead mussels were turning up on shores and could be seen glinting from the river bottom.
On the Clinch River alone, hundreds of thousands are believed to have perished, a mass mortality event that has baffled scientists and alarmed ecologists.
Freshwater mussels, like pollinators and trees, are critical to their larger ecosystems and the world around them. They create habitat for other species, like freshwater coral reefs, and help maintain the structure and rigidity of the waterways they call home. They scoop up algae and nutrients, processing and concentrating them for others to eat.
But perhaps most importantly, these soft-bodied invertebrates improve the water quality around them (check out this video.) They filter out sediment and agricultural runoff, limiting the size and impacts of dead zones. They reduce fecal bacteria from water, lowering the risk of E. coli.
They sequester carbon, phosphorous and heavy metals. There's even evidence they can remove man-made contaminantsfrom water such as pharmaceuticals, flame retardants and personal care products.
A single freshwater mussel can filter more than 15 gallons of water in a day.
They're like nature's "filter," says Emilie Blevins, a conservation biologist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, an Oregon-based nonprofit that's monitoring and studying the recent die-offs.
"The loss is really huge and it's happening really quickly," Blevins says. "It's a major concern for the future and for the future of our fresh water."
Freshwater mussels are one of most imperiled species on the planet. Nearly three-quarters of North America's roughly 300 native mussel species are endangered, at risk, or of concern. Dozens are already extinct. Humans are the primary cause.
For decades, freshwater mussels were overharvested for their shells. Before the era of plastic, they were collected and cultivated by the millions to satisfy a commercial demand.
A recent report by the United Nations found that human practices have put roughly 1 million species at risk of extinction, many within decades.
"The essential, interconnected web of life on Earth is getting smaller and increasingly frayed," wrote Josef Settele, a German biologist and co-chair of the report. "This loss is a direct result of human activity and constitutes a direct threat to human well-being in all regions of the world."
Nature is so complex. Biology is so complex. We do not understand how important some things are until they're gone.