There's festive tissue paper taped to the walls and some kind of paper cutout dangling below the fluorescent lights: It can only mean that the holidays have arrived at the workplace, and with them a flurry of invites, requirements and potentially awkward situations to manage.
And let's just start with one thing: Don't get drunk at workplace parties!
What follows are a few edited questions and Green's sage advice.
How do you choose a gift for someone you hardly know?
Green's first order of business is to clarify one thing: You should be able to opt out no matter what. "In theory you should be able to say 'You know, hey, I'm sorry I can't participate this year, or my budget's not going to allow it.'
" But if you are participating, Green's guidance is pretty simple: Don't go overboard, and don't put too much pressure on yourself to get it exactly right.
"You're not obligated to know the person so intimately, but you'll be able to predict with perfect accuracy what they will and won't like," she says.
Green says that being uncontroversial is the first step, and that being a little bit boring is totally OK in a workplace context. You can even try to give something that's easy to re-gift, like coffee or chocolate.
And Green's cardinal rule for workplace gifts is an easy one to remember:
Don't give anything that goes on the body, like perfume or jewelry. "Those are all just too personal," she says. Another thing you can do is notice what the person already is using, or what they already have in their workplace — like a particular pen or a mug — and just get something similar to what they already have. "This is not like giving a gift to your mom or your significant other. It's OK if it's not exactly right."
Evergreen question: Do I have to?
This question comes up all the time in many different forms around holiday party season. There are a lot of reasons somebody might not want to participate in a holiday thing at their workplace — whether they don't celebrate that holiday or they're on a tight budget — and ideally, everyone should be able to opt out.
When you have something that everyone or almost everyone is going to, that becomes a work event and the employer incurs some of the same obligations that they would incur if they were officially hosting it."
There's a math answer to this problem, too — if more than half of the group is invited.
Inclusivity is going to make any party more fun to attend, and any office event more festive. And frankly, there is no tin of cookies as sweet as being a decent adult human who knows that inclusion is important!