One day during the Pliocene Epoch, a young adult ape died in the Awash Valley of East Africa. She was soon forgotten, and wouldn't be seen again for 3.2 million years. During that time, her species went extinct, new apes appeared across Africa and some evolved huge brains, helping them basically conquer the planet.
Lucy belonged to the extinct species Australopithecus afarensis, portrayed here in a sculptor's rendering. (Photo: Dave Einsel/Getty Images)
Then, 3.2 million years after that fateful day, two of these brainy apes finally stumbled across her skeleton in what's now Ethiopia. Realizing they'd found something historic, they began to carefully dig her out of the desert.
First, however, they gave their long-lost relative a name: "Lucy."
Here are a few interesting facts you may not know about Lucy, from groundbreaking revelations about her life to random trivia about her name(s):
1. She walked on two feet, but also hung out in trees.
New research supports the idea that Lucy walked upright similar to modern humans, but also spent a lot of time in trees — as implied by this exhibit from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. (Photo: Tim Evanson [CC BY-SA 2.0]/Flickr)
Lucy lived at a pivotal time for human-like apes known as hominins. Her species was transitional, with key traits of earlier apes as well as later humans. (It's worth noting, though, the "missing link" concept is a fallacy. It's based on an outdated belief that evolution is linear, and on a misinterpretation of inevitable gaps in the fossil record.)
Lucy's skeleton offers several signs of bipedalism, or walking on two feet. (Photo: Juan Aunion/Shutterstock)
Lucy walked on two feet, a major step in human evolution. We know this from several clues in her bones, such as the angle of her femur in relation to knee-joint surfaces — an adaptation that helps bipedal animals balance while walking. Her knee joints also show signs of carrying her full body weight, rather than sharing the burden with her front limbs, and various other indications have been found in her pelvis, ankles and vertebrae. Still, her skeleton couldn't have moved quite like ours does, and her big, chimp-like arms suggest she hadn't yet abandoned the trees.
2. She made us rethink the rise of big human brains.
The brains of Lucy's species, Australopithecus afarensis, were about one-third the size of a modern human brain. Pictured above is an endocast, a brain model based on the space in an animal's cranial vault. (Photo: Tim Evanson [CC BY-SA 2.0]/Flickr)
Before Lucy, it was widely believed that hominins evolved big brains first, and then became bipedal later. Lucy, however, was clearly built for bipedal walking — an extremely rare adaptation for mammals — and yet her skull only had space for a brain about the size of a chimpanzee's. Her cranial capacity was less than 500 cubic centimeters, or roughly one-third as big as that of a modern human.
3. She was an adult, but only stood as tall as a modern 5-year-old.
A human child poses next to the skeleton of an adult Australopithecus afarensis. (Photo: James St. John [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
Lucy's brain may have been smaller than ours, but to be fair, so was her whole body. She was a fully grown young adult when she died, yet stood just 1.1 meters (3.6 feet) tall and weighed about 29 kilograms (64 pounds).
4. She may have died by falling out of a tree.
This illustration shows a leading — but not universally accepted — theory about Lucy's death. It's from a 2016 study that concludes she suffered fatal injuries from a fall, 'probably out of a tree.' (Image: John Kappelman/UT-Austin)
For all we've learned about Lucy's life over four decades, her death has remained mysterious. Her skeleton doesn't show signs of gnawing by carnivores or scavengers (aside from a single tooth mark on one of her bones), so scientists doubt she was killed by a predator. Otherwise, though, they've been stumped.
Then, in August 2016, a team of U.S. and Ethiopian researchers announced a break in Lucy's cold case. Their study, published in the journal Nature, concluded her death "can be attributed to injuries resulting from a fall, probably out of a tall tree." They used high-resolution CT scans to make 35,000 virtual "slices" of her skeleton, one of which showed something odd. Lucy's right humerus had a type of fracture uncommon in fossils: a series of sharp, clean breaks with bone fragments and slivers still in place. Along with other, less severe fractures at the left shoulder and elsewhere, this is consistent with a long fall in which the victim tries to break the impact by extending an arm before landing.