When the Venus flytrap closes shut on a tasty bug meal, for example, it releases chemicals that liquefy all the soft parts. The plant eats the delicious juice, but opens back up to let the crunchy bits fall out. Those solids are waste, and could be considered plant poop. Pitcher plants, on the other hand, keep those crispy parts at the bottom of the pitcher tube, where they rot with the help of microbes until they are gone or that particular leaf dies. So instead of pooping, they turn part of their bodies into a septic system. Yum!
Of course, plants also suck in carbon dioxide from the air and push out oxygen in the amazing process called photosynthesis, but this is probably more like breathing—so we’re not breathing plant poo. They also give off extra water through their leaves, but that’s not quite right either, more like sweating or peeing.
More poop-like is a plant’s ability to get rid of salt, metals, and other stuff by spreading it through its leaves, bark, heart wood, and roots. Mangrove trees, which often live in salty water, squeeze extra salt out of their leaves—so in a way, they poop salt. Other trees send wastes to their bark or heartwood, so if you are reading this on paper or sitting at a desk, chances are you are touching some tree poop right now. And those gorgeous leaves that turn color and drop in the fall? They are a great way for trees to get rid of material that isn’t particularly helpful: Beautiful, beautiful poop.
其實植物更像拉粑粑的是植物排出鹽類、金屬元素到葉子、樹皮、心材和根里的方式。紅樹林常常生活在咸水中,從葉子中擠出多余的鹽 - 所以在某種程度上,它們會吃鹽。其他樹木將廢物送到樹皮或心材上,所以如果你看紙質書或坐在桌子上,你很可能是在接觸樹粑粑。那么漂亮的葉子在秋天變色和掉落呢?那是樹木擺脫不是特別有用的材料的好方法:那是美麗的粑粑。
Plants fart, too. Yes! Plants release methane, the same flammable gas in the farts of you and me and a few million cows. Smithsonian biogeochemist Patrick Megonigal is a world expert in this plant gas. Just like we have microbes in our stomachs that break down food and make smelly gas, trees have microbes inside of them that make farts too. The gas leaks out through bark or stems. Right now, Megonigal says, scientists aren’t sure whether tree farts somehow help the tree. But they do know that not all trees fart the same. “We’re finding that some trees fart more than others,” Megonigal says.
植物也會放屁的。植物會釋放甲烷,你的屁里也有,牛的屁里也有。史密森尼學會的生物地球化學家Patrick Mcgonigal是這種植物氣體的世界專家。就像我們的胃里有微生物分解食物并制造臭氣一樣,樹木內部也有微生物,它們也會產生屁。氣體通過樹皮或莖干泄漏出來。Mcgonigal說,科學家們不確定樹屁是否能以某種方式幫助這棵樹。但他們確實知道并非所有的樹都放一樣的屁。“我們發(fā)現(xiàn)有些樹比其他樹更愛放屁,”