Scientists have uncovered evidence the sport not only keeps people trim but also boosts brain power.
The research found that people who keep fit are more likely to have larger brains, better memories and clearer thinking.
They also found that unfit people tended to have smaller brains and reduced cognitive skills.
The findings add to a growing body of evidence which links exercise with helping protect the brain against ageing and also aiding it replace dying cells.
This might reduce the risk of debilitating illnesses and diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
One research paper within its latest issue sees scientists at Kentucky University putting 30 adults aged 59-69 on a treadmill.
Their heart and lung capacity was measured and an MRI scanner was used to assess the blood flow to their brains.
Those who were less fit had smaller brains compared to the fitter volunteers who had larger brains.
Scientists in Germany followed 21 adults aged between 60-77. As they went through a three-month fitness program they saw improvements in their memory.
Researchers are not yet sure why exercise helps to protect brain cells but some research in mice has produced results.
Mice, examined at the National Institute on Aging, in Baltimore, found that cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain used for memory, were actively reproducing while their fatter peers were in decline.
Linda Clare, professor of clinical psychology of ageing and dementia at Exeter University and a member of the Global Council on Brain Health told The Sunday Times: ’Moderate-intensity aerobic activity such as brisk walking, cycling or running can produce changes in brain structure and function.’