One morn, a young man leading a goat lost his way due to the thick mist. When he was at a loss, a blind man came to him with a stick in hand. The young man asked him whether he also lost his way because of the thick mist. The blind man smiled and said, “My eyes are blind and I cannot see anything. Therefore, the mist does not affect me the slightest. I followed the path in my memory and it never goes wrong. Slow as you may be when you follow me, you will never get lost.”
The young man felt considerably happy and led the goat following the blind man forward. The blind man was guiding the young man and talking with him casually. He asked the young man where he was going on such an early morning. The young man replied, “Oh! I am going to sell my goat!”
The blind man asked him, “Male or female? How many years have you kept it?” The young man spoke without too much thought, “A female goat of 3 years!”
The mist became denser and denser. The young man was still following the blind man, leading the goat. All of a sudden, the blind man grasped the young man’s hand and shouted at him, “Here is the police station! Go into it and elaborate on how you stole the goat!”
The young man has been a thief for a long time. In the past he had been arrested into the police station for stealing goats in the village. Confronted by the police, he admitted the goat was stolen by him from a villager. The young man asked the blind man puzzlingly, “You are blind and can see nothing, but how do you know I am a thief?”
The blind man smiled, “I have been keeping goats for decades and can tell one of them is male or female as well as their age according to their voices. The goat you led just now is obviously a male goat, but you said it was female. The goat is simply a little more than one year old, but you said you had kept it for three years. Moreover, the goat will bleat totally differently when he is led by a stranger instead of his owner. With regards to all these, I can tell the goat does not belong to you!”
Only then did the thief understand the whole thing with his head dropped down like the grass was beaten down by the frost. The blind man then said again, “Do not look down upon my blindness. Actually my heart is bright. I am leading you here just for the purpose that you can confess your deeds candidly and be a new man again!”