2. Be a motivator and build your team People do good work for the pay, or the prestige, or the recognition. They do bad work because they want to take it easyand still get paid. To motivate your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for doing what you want them to do.
2. 做個擅長鼓舞士氣的人并構建自己的團隊人們做好工作是為了得到報酬,或良好的名譽,或他人的認可。若他們的工作完成得不好,是因為他們既想輕松又想得到報酬。若要更有效地鼓舞你的成員,你需要找出他們想要什么,以及他們做了你期望的事情后,你能如何給予他們想要的獎勵。
It is not enough that people are motivated to succeed at work. They have to work together as a team to accomplish the group’s objective. You have to show the members of the team that it benefits them personally.
Love is a strong motivator. Parents, for instance, watch out for their children. Money is another strong motivator. However, the strongest motivator available to a manager is self-esteem. The more the individual sees a benefit to his or her self-esteem from supporting the team, the more successful your team building efforts will be.
On the one hand, your people have to acknowledge that they are part of a team. You can reinforce this by holding team meetings, posting team news on the bulletin board or your intranet page, and tracking team performance against team goals.
On the other hand, they have to believe that the team is capable of producing more than the sum of its members. You have to make this readily apparent to them and clearly delineate the increased rewards they can achieve through teamwork.