? 網(wǎng)絡將我們孤立開來。Networks isolate us from one another.
對話 A: What do you think about the networks? 你怎么看待網(wǎng)絡?
B: People can't live without the networks. 人們沒有網(wǎng)絡就不能活。
A: Yes, but networks isolate us from one another. 是的,但是網(wǎng)絡將我們孤立開來。
? 我加入了很多社交網(wǎng)絡。I joined many social networks.
對話 A: The social networks are very popular now. 現(xiàn)在社交網(wǎng)絡很流行。
B: I joined many social networks. 我加入了很多社交網(wǎng)絡。
A: But it wastes us much time. 但是這浪費了我們很多時間。
? 我想在臉譜網(wǎng)上刪了他。I want to unfriend him on Facebook.
? 我網(wǎng)戀了。I've been involved in an online romance.
同類表達 I've been involved with a cyber love.
? 我想注冊一個微信賬號。I want to register a WeChat account.
對話 A: I want to register a WeChat account. 我想注冊一個微信賬號。
B: What? I have long started using it. 什么?我早就開始用了。
? 你有多少關注者?How many followers do you have?
對話 A: How many followers do you have? 你有多少關注者?
B: I don't have any followers. I still need to get the hang of it. 我沒有關注者,還在摸索怎么玩呢。
? 你在微博上喜歡關注哪類人?What kind of people do you like to follow on Microblog?
同類表達 What kind of events do you follow on Microblog? 你在微博上關注哪類事件?
? 不要惡意評論。Don't leave hostile comments.
對話 A: There are more and more hostile comments on the net. 網(wǎng)絡上的惡意評論越來越多。
B: Yes, so I don't browse any comments. 是啊,所以我不瀏覽評論。
A: Don't leave hostile comments. Right? 不要惡意評論,對吧?
? 他在游戲里被秒殺了。He was sec killed in a game.
對話 A: What happened? 發(fā)生了什么?
B: He was sec killed in a game. 他在游戲里被秒殺了。
A: He is a green hand. 他是一個新手。
? 現(xiàn)在很多公共場所都有無線網(wǎng)絡。Now there is WiFi in many public places.