? 我一直打哈欠。I can't stop yawning.
對話 A: Let's go to sleep. I can't stop yawning. 我們去睡覺吧,我一直在打哈欠。
B: I feel sleepy, too. But I still have some work to do. 我也很困,但我還有些工作要做。
? 我筋疲力盡,連洗澡的力氣都沒有。I'm exhausted to take a shower.
對話 A: I'm exhausted to take a shower. 我筋疲力盡,連洗澡的力氣都沒有。
B: It's still early. You can have a rest and take a shower at ten o'clock. 還早呢。你可以休息一會兒,10點的時候再洗澡。
? 今天我要睡個美容覺。I am getting a beauty sleep today.
同類表達 I need a beauty sleep today.
I want to have a beauty sleep today.
? 我要去睡覺了。I'm going to hit the hay.
同類表達 I will head for bed. 我要去睡了。
I'm going to sleep now. 我要去睡覺了。
? 睡個好覺。Sleep tight.
同類表達 Have a good sleep. 睡個好覺。
Sweet dreams! 做個好夢!
? 你的呼嚕聲讓我無法入睡。I can't fall asleep because of your snoring.
同類表達 I didn't get much sleep yesterday night. You were sawing logs last night. 我昨晚根本就沒怎么睡,你一直打呼嚕。
? 我睡得很淺,有時候會失眠。I sleep lightly and sometimes I have insomnia.
? 我躺在床上將近一個小時了。I've been lying in bed for nearly an hour.
對話 A: Why can't you get into sleep? 你為什么睡不著?。?/p>
B: I drank too much coffee, and I've been lying in bed for nearly an hour. 我咖啡喝多了。我躺在床上將近一個小時了。
? 我最近總做噩夢。I've suffered from nightmares these days.
同類表達 I had a nightmare. 我做了個可怕的夢。
? 喝杯熱牛奶也許對你有幫助。Drinking a glass of warm milk might help.
同類表達 A glass of warm milk may work.